President Obama's Scandals Get Overlooked
It was said in another thread that President Obama was mistreated in his first term by the GOP. Amazing that the corruption coming from this White House is ignored, along with the MSM. Let's discuss:
• Benghazi---The Obama administration tried to frame this into nothing more than GOP hatred for the President. The White House obviously lied and said that the killings in Benghazi were all about a goofy video and they stuck to that argument for many weeks. The lie was to protect the Prez from embarrassment after declaring that the War on Terror was essentially over and that we were safe. Weeks after that declaration Benghazi happened 6 weeks before the 2008 election. The BO campaign could not afford thE truth about Benghazi to be known. The media let the controversy die---yet the congressional investigation eventually unearthed the fact that HC flaunted the law and jeopardized American national security.
• IRS---it is dismissed by the BO sycophants, but the evidence shows that, like Clinton, Lerner conducted official business via a private email account where she went by the name “Toby Miles.” The emails sent via that account are among the hundreds that have been shielded from congressional investigators, but those that have been recovered reflect a searing disdain for conservatives against whom Lerner has been accused of conspiring to limit their ability to participate in civic affairs. “Citizens United is by far the worst thing that has ever happened to this country,” Lerner, who has been accused of targeting conservative political action committees with undue scrutiny, wrote. “We are witnessing the end of ‘America.’” Motive and opportunity having been established, we are told that there is nothing to see here. You’re just being paranoid.
• Altering of Intelligence---On August 25, a bombshell report in the New York Times indicated that the Pentagon inspector general’s office was investigating credible claims that CENTCOM officials altered intelligence reports related to ISIS. Those reports had been reviewed by ranking war planners, including the president, and were designed to paint a rosier picture of the state of the campaign than was warranted. Over a month later, dozens intelligence operatives have come forward to confirm the IG’s findings. Reports regarding terror activity in Iraq were “grossly thrown to the side,” alleges former U.S. Army official William Kotel. “They’ve spent more money and time trying to push down this intelligence … than they have actually spending time and effort on real security,” he alleged of his campaign than was warranted. Over a month later, dozens intelligence operatives have come forward to confirm the IG’s findings. Reports regarding terror activity in Iraq were “grossly thrown to the side,” alleges former U.S. Army official William Kotel. “They’ve spent more money and time trying to push down this intelligence than they have actually spending time and effort on real security,” he alleged of his bosses.
These are just a few.
For millions of Americans, Barack Obama’s ascension to the presidency absolved the United States of myriad sins. His rise to the presidency was a redemption tale for an America that had lost its way in the immediate post-9/11 years.
Obama’s promise was to be a transformative figure, his supporters averred. He would reverse a suspiciously colonialist Bush-era foreign policy, deliver the country into a post-racial period, and restore America’s faith in the power of collectivism and the righteous efficacy of government. As the winter of the Obama presidency approaches, it seems beyond dispute that this presidency has robbed Americans of what remaining faith they had in the value of collective action. The power of massive governmental programs to effect positive change is, at best, dubious. The tragedy of it all is that cynicism has replaced shock when the latest scandalous revelations hit the newsstands. That’s dangerous. The expectation of corruption is a condition that saps a nation’s faith in the virtue of self-governance. It is this kind of contempt for public institutions that leads republics to ruin.
Barack Obama’s administration is scandal-plagued. In its twilight years, this White House has subordinated accountability and the preservation of faith in public sector competence to exculpation from the political press.
(The above came from Commentary Magazine)
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
Last edited by deacon blues; 09-22-2015 at 08:43 PM.