Originally Posted by FionaJoy
From the link:
The main objective of the high-level thematic debate is to provide an opportunity for Member States and faith leaders, along with other stakeholders to share experiences and to address key issues and challenges relating to the
promotion of tolerance and reconciliation with the aim of fostering peaceful and inclusive societies and countering violent extremism. These include:
What practical strategies can be devised to counter the threat of radicalization through people-centered and
inclusive measures and avoid exclusionary approaches at local, national, regional and international levels?
What measures can be pursued to
promote the importance of religious, cultural, gender and social diversity in positively fostering peaceful and inclusive societies?
What roles can specific actors and sectors of societies, such as women and youth, education and the media, play in promoting inclusive approaches to tolerance and reconciliation and countering violent extremism?
How can the Member States, United Nations and other stakeholders effectively support means to promote tolerance and reconciliation, including through actions aimed at conflict prevention and early detection of human rights violations?
What measures can be taken to stop extremists from recruiting individuals or groups to carry out terrorist acts?
How can religious and community leaders engage at the local level to reach people who might be vulnerable to radicalization?
How can specific actors, including faith leaders, take the lead in unmasking and rejecting the misuse of religion as a justification for violent extremism?
How can religious leaders promote tolerance for diversity, freedom of expression and human rights?
How can religious leaders promote the sustainable development goals in local communities in order to address the conditions conducive to the spread of violent extremism?
The second day will include high-level interventions from faith leaders followed by two interactive panel discussions, focusing on:
reaching people at the community level; and
highlighting a counter-narrative that emphasizes tolerance for diversity, freedom of expression and human rights.
(end quotes)
So the UN wanted to discuss ways to promote "tolerance" and "inclusivism" especially in regards to religion. ie "How do we bring all the religions together into one big happy family? How do we use all religions to push the message that we're all equally valid and we should all coexist and NOT be exclusive?"
In other words, "one world religion". LS did not put forward a message along those lines. Instead he testified to two things: Jesus Christ heals, and Jesus Christ is the only solution to war and violence (ie there will be no peace until all submit to the Gospel).
What message should he have given instead? An ecumenical, " we are all on different paths to the same goal", "all religious beliefs are created equal", peace love and dope?
I think he did a good job with the short time he had available.