From Investors Business Daily:
In another sign of President Obama's deteriorating public support, more than half of Americans now say that he is failing as president, the latest IBD/TIPP poll finds.
The poll, which ended Friday, found that 53% characterize Obama's presidency as a failure vs. 41% who rate it a success. Just 6% say that they aren't sure.
Obama's standing among independents is even worse, with 58% calling his presidency is a failure. Half of those who live in states that voted for Obama say that his presidency is failing.
Broken down by age, only those age 18-24 say that Obama has been a success (77% of this group believes that). His worst showing is among those 25-44, of whom 59% describe his presidency as failing.
Another striking contrast: Most single women (54%) judge his presidency a success, but only 32% of married women do.
These findings come after months of scandals, domestic and international crises, continued economic sluggishness and the public's widespread impression that Obama has handled each of them poorly.
IBD/TIPP has been ranked as the most accurate presidential election poll for the past several elections. Nate Silver, writing for the New York Times, rated the IBD/TIPP poll as the most accurate of the 2012 cycle.
Voter's Remorse
The monthly national IBD/TIPP poll found that only 43% say they would vote for Obama if the 2012 election were held today; 49% say they'd vote for Mitt Romney. Only 46% of those from states that Obama carried two years ago say they'd do so again, given another chance.
Obama also received his worst rating since taking office in the IBD/TIPP Presidential Leadership Index, which currently stands at 41, making his lower than President Bush's at the same point in his second term.
Obama has tried to turn the tide of negative opinion by focusing on what he calls his economic achievements. Last week, Obama said in a speech that "every single one" of his economic policies is "on the ballot this fall."
That may very well be true, since the IBD/TIPP poll found that 74% say they place a "high importance" on the economy and jobs when it comes to their choice of candidates.
But it isn't likely to help Democrats running for Congress this fall, since only 31% of the public thinks Obama is doing a good job at creating jobs and growing the economy.
And while a 54% majority considers immigration of high importance, 63% of those polled oppose Obama's plan to use executive action on immigration after the November elections.
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