Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Thanks for your service to our nation.
How can any man say he's thankful for my service, when I served to protect liberty... when they conspire to keep men in legalistic religious bondage?
Now back to the subject so whiskers AND cigars are no biggie to you? If so you have made my point.
Ever shoot a man? Ever find yourself being shot at? The last thing you worry about is a stupid beard or cigar. When you stare down the barrel of a gun... you quickly realize what is truly important and what isn't. You read that Bible like it's your very life and salvation... not to cherry pick verses to sustain some outdated legalistic code.
Cigars are unhealthy. So is McDonald's. Yet I don't see preachers sending people to Hell over super value meals. While I don't advocate smoking a cigar... I don't condemn a man to Hell over it either. It's a health issue... not a sin issue. Besides... in biblical times they customarily chewed khat after dinner to cleanse the teeth. The men would be gathered in one room with a bowl of it placed on the floor in the middle. They'd chew it and socialize. Today, we know that khat contains a amphetamine-like stimulant, which is said to cause excitement, loss of appetite and euphoria. Khat was chewed as far back as ancient Egypt and was first recorded import as an herb was from Ethiopia and Yemen during what is believed to be the time of Solomon. Most likely... Jesus and the disciples chewed it after meals, as was customary in their day. So, I don't see any reason to get my panties in a bunch over a cigar... or a beard.
Jesus and other drank wine, it's alcohol content made it safer than the water. Millions of people speak Greek today and they can tell you... oinos isn't grape juice.
While the facts may not reflect the spit and polished image of the refined traditions of men... facts are facts. But most legalists have never allowed the facts to get in the way of their man made religion.