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11-22-2013, 05:54 AM
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In Need of a Re-filling?
In Need of a Re-filling?
Votive explained something that I had been thinking about.
Jesus was given the Spirit without measure, yet He experienced the power of the Spirit flowing out of Him when the woman with the issue of blood touched Him.
This virtue can flow out of a believer. We definitely need to be renewed, daily, (i.e. we need to be re-strengthened and re-invigorated by the Holy Spirit).
The Spirit is a well of Everlasting Life. We can drink of these Living Waters freely as often as we desire or need, if we've received the Holy Spirit
To you that teach, preach, operate under the 'gifts of the Spirit,” afterwards, do you feel drained?
A few times I have given chalk-sermons in churches. Afterwards I would feel like I did a miserable job. (Others didn't think so) But then I would also feel like I was drained, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Also when I pray at home, in travail, with unknown tongues, I feel the same way. I have asked God about that and by Votive bringing to my mind, the scripture, where virtue left Jesus to flow out to heal. I believe that is the answer.
Also I have a question for those that have the 'gift of divers tongues.” Is there a way to know the difference in a Re-filling and unknown tongues?

11-22-2013, 06:09 AM
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Re: In Need of a Re-filling?
Since no flesh can glory in His presence, and yet we most certainly do glory/glorify (praise and worship) God while in His presence, I certainly believe that our human body has a toll taken out on it.
What is occurring is supernatural. All demonstrations of worship are by definition spiritual, since they are of God, and are inspired by the Holy Spirit within.
We can do nothing without the Spirit of Christ operating within us.
The Spirit is that which inspires the prayers, the preaching, the intercession, the Gifts, and etc.
The quality of the Spirit doesn't change, nor does the quantity, in any measurable way (i.e. a way that is material).
But as virtue flows from the Spirit, through us, to others, in whatever form, I am convinced that there is, for lack of a better term, a depletion that occurs.
Remember, we are only given a down payment/earnest of the inheritance. Jesus was given the Spirit without measure. Not so of us.
I speak both from the Scriptures and from personal experience. When I am ministering at an altar call, and am being used in charismata, or leading people to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, or if I am teaching a home Bible study, I am afterwards affected.
I am wiped out commensurate to the level of use. The greater the using, the greater the exhaustion, the greater the need for refilling.
When I am not being used by God, I don't find the need for a "re-filling". My cup is where it was the day before, so to speak.
Regarding diverse tongues, I can usually tell the difference by the effect it has upon me, whether or not it's just me speaking in an unknown tongue for personal edification, and when God is actually renewing and re-filling me.
It has to do with the experience. One is more common, less intense, less emotional. One is less common, more intense, more emotional.
When I speak in an unknown tongue, generally, I do not feel "filled" as it were. After a re-filling, I definitely have a spiritually "full" feeling, in my inner man.

11-22-2013, 06:15 AM
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Re: In Need of a Re-filling?
most definitly . normally i preach anywhere from 45 min to an hour ..then i pray for folks or offer it . then god has spoken to me i will go to an individual and tell them what god has placed in my spirit. when i get done i am a noodle .may take me 2 hourse or so to fully recover sometimes longer ..i have woke up still tired the next day lol. but i love it .

11-22-2013, 09:05 AM
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Re: In Need of a Re-filling?
IMO you may feel drained physically, spiritually, and emotionally, but does that mean you really are 'low' on the Holy Ghost? I think the fullness of power is always there and we need to stop thinking of it like a fluid that overflows and/or depletes. We cannot deny the fact we are in these bodies and our bodies have characteristics that may limit how we minister, but that doesn't mean the power in us needs a refueling.
We, physically and emotionally, may need to be invigorated and that's something the comforter can provide. After all, didn't John say that we would have rivers of living water coming out of us? We may build up a dam which hinders the flow with unbelief, self-doubt, or cares of this world, but that does not limit the potential power that's already there. John didn't describe it as a pot, or cup, that only has so much potential and needs to be refilled. But it is something that if our bodies and minds could hold up, could/would flow continuously.

11-22-2013, 09:09 AM
Isaiah 56:4-5
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Simple stuff, people. When you put so much emotion into the service it will drain you "spiritually" which will affect you physically.
It's not virtue going out of you.

11-22-2013, 09:25 AM
On the road less traveled
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Re: In Need of a Re-filling?
Originally Posted by renee819
In Need of a Re-filling?
Votive explained something that I had been thinking about.
To you that teach, preach, operate under the 'gifts of the Spirit,” afterwards, do you feel drained?
A few times I have given chalk-sermons in churches. Afterwards I would feel like I did a miserable job. (Others didn't think so) But then I would also feel like I was drained, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Also when I pray at home, in travail, with unknown tongues, I feel the same way. I have asked God about that and by Votive bringing to my mind, the scripture, where virtue left Jesus to flow out to heal. I believe that is the answer.
Also I have a question for those that have the 'gift of divers tongues.” Is there a way to know the difference in a Re-filling and unknown tongues?
Just a side bar... what is a chalk-sermon?
In response to your post, I have definitely encountered this as well. I've not heard it discussed before. Although I don't think that the virtue or spirit has diminished in any way, but more that the physical man is exhausted.
Spending time alone with the Lord is the best way to refresh oneself, which is why I believe the gospels record Jesus leaving the crowds to go into the desert or the mountains to pray after spending the day healing and ministering to the people.

11-22-2013, 09:45 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Re: In Need of a Re-filling?
I believe that "virtue" (power) and the Spirit are distinct... though the virtue flows from the Spirit. Some ancient traditions called virtue the "divine energy". While the Spirit is a limitless source of power, the flesh can only take so much. In addition, it can only handle so much at a time, or "in reserve" if you will. The distinction between "divine energies" and the "divine essence" is similar to the Sun and the Sun's light & heat. We feel the light and heat from the Sun. The light and heat produce various effects in life on earth. However, light and heat are distinct from the Sun in that they emanate or originate from the Sun itself. One might already have the Spirit... but it is the divine energies that come from the Spirit that bring power and spiritual gifts. Sometimes you need to replenish this divine power.
One replenishes their virtue (power) through allowing the Holy Spirit to once more fill them with power. This is done through prayer, worship, and meditation in the Word. Also, enormous power can be reserved for spiritual use if one incorporates fasting into the routine. Fasting empties us of self and ego. It allows for the virtues (energies or power) of the Spirit to more readily be "soaked up" into our being, for lack of a better term. When fasting is employed... there is therefore greater power to be had.

11-22-2013, 11:56 AM
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Re: In Need of a Re-filling?
Originally Posted by obriencp
IMO you may feel drained physically, spiritually, and emotionally, but does that mean you really are 'low' on the Holy Ghost?
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
- There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
- The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
- Every sinner must repent of their sins.
- That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
- That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
- The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.

11-22-2013, 03:51 PM
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Re: In Need of a Re-filling?
Kept wrote,
Just a side bar... what is a chalk-sermon?
My husband built me a large easel, and I used a large piece of chalk paper, and chalk to paint a picture with a sermon. For instance, one sermon was,
Take The Cross Off The Wall And Build a Bridge To The People.
On the left side of the picture, I had a cliff, and at the bottom of the cliff, an ambulance. And then I put a fence on top of the cliff. The sermon, Don't wait to pick up the pieces, but build a fence to prevent the disaster.
Then also at the bottom of the cliff was a river, and across the river the cross making a bridge. On the right side of the picture, I drew a large church with a steeple and a huge cross in front.
After I drew the picture, then I put on the appropriate music, and turned on a black light. Some of the chalk was florescent, and picked up certain themes in the picture. Then I had a little sermonett.
The most response that I had, was once when I painted a picture of Jesus. When I turned the florescent light on, His eyes sparkled a brilliant blue. As the song played, “How Great Thou Are”
That really brought a shout.
Kept wrote,
In response to your post, I have definitely encountered this as well. I've not heard it discussed before. Although I don't think that the virtue or spirit has diminished in any way, but more that the physical man is exhausted
I've never heard this discussed before either, except to hear ministers talking about how exhausted they were after preaching. That's why I brought it up for discussion. I believe I'll do more study on this, in the Bible.
Kept wrote,
Spending time alone with the Lord is the best way to refresh oneself, which is why I believe the gospels record Jesus leaving the crowds to go into the desert or the mountains to pray after spending the day healing and ministering to the people.
Yes, I agree.

11-22-2013, 04:43 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 214
Re: In Need of a Re-filling?
no you are not low on the holt ghost . just fleshly tired maybe mentally tired but not godly low .
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