Originally Posted by Esaias
Interesting take although I do not see how idleness makes a day 'holy'. Consider God 'rested, and THEN he 'sanctified' the day 'because he had rested'.
Yes, mine was a simplistic answer that didn't elaborate. You're correct, being a couch potato wasn't he intent, either. It was keeping free from distractions that would inhibit your ability to set specific time aside for God (and family, as well, I'd contend). While I'm reaching out of context into the new testament, it has bearing - set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth; where your treasurer is, there will your heart be also. Being wholly consumed with the "busy-ness" and "stuff" in this life is "unholy". Taking a day out from the daily rat race, as it were, allows us to keep our priorities on our eternal reward.
But then, Ferd already was on it.