Originally Posted by Aquila
Some Trinitarians can be "Oneness" in their logic. For example, I was listening to a Trinitarian explain that the Father is God in transcendence, the Son (Logos) is God expressed within time and space, and that the Spirit is God's very own Spirit working in the spiritual plane. He went on to explain that God never changes and has always existed in this manner. Therefore, there are three distinct centers of consciousness. Each can technically be called a "person" with relation to distinction... yet they are also the same person with relation to being... because they are each the very same being revealed in three ways.
Thus according to Him... God is a single person... yet revealed in three distinct personas/persons that eternally emanate from His being in relation to time, space, and spirit.
about 20 years ago, I was listening to the Radio and I heard this guy going down a pretty solid Oneness doctrinal explination. I actually sat in my car and was late for a class listening to him. It was pretty much what is generally taught in most Oneness churches. When he got to the end he said something along the lines of "and that's the Trinity"!
LOL! I just about fell out right there. He was the pastor of the largest AOG church in Lake Charles La. and he is/was certainly Trinitarian but beyond a handfull of catch phrases, he wasnt far from what most Oneness preachers teach!
at the end of the day, it just almost boils down to how one baptizes and if one thinks baptism even matters.
For me, it matters. It is vastly more important that most folk think.
Now I will certainly sharpstick AFF Trinitarians with little poems and all that but seriously there are more Oneness Trinitarians than i can shake a stick at! LOL