The prophets spoke to Israel because God wasn't speaking to the nations (except in very limited circumstances... kind of like Jonah who told the Ninevites they were all going to be destroyed within 40 days... picture him with one of those sandwich billboards and 'The End is Near - 40 Days Left!').
Paul wrote to the church in Rome but was speaking 'to the Jew' who made his boast in the law... and speaking of them he pointed out that although the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness, those Jews not only did the things God hates but had pleasure in those who practiced such things. He goes further to point out their hypocrisy in claiming to be covenanted with God (they claimed to be God's 'chosen people') yet they were no different in God's eyes as the heathen, because of their disobedience to God.
But if what you are saying is that since the prophets spoke to backsliding, sinning Israel, and Paul wrote to the church about hypocrites and sinners in general, that therefore preachers should not speak the same things to the lost today... then the conclusion is no preacher can 'read Scripture' as you mentioned earlier, to the lost, because all scripture was given to GOD'S COVENANTED PEOPLE ('the church') and not the lost... So nothing said therein is actually 'to' the lost... according to such reasoning.
I think that God would want us to address the church more pointedly than we would a sinner. It is like disciplining the neighbor's children. You won't do that in the same manner you would your own child, because they are expected to know better, having been trained to know better.
I think that God would want us to address the church more pointedly than we would a sinner. It is like disciplining the neighbor's children. You won't do that in the same manner you would your own child, because they are expected to know better, having been trained to know better.
Get 'em saved first, and then tell them what sins they're committing. Bait and switch!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I agree, and first impressions are the most important. Epic fail for the guys in your video, IMO.
I remember a friend sharing with me, before she was living for God, that she was on her way to the abortion clinic for her third abortion. The "Christians" were standing across the street with their placards. She said she spit at them and walked into the clinic.
They failed in capturing compassion in her eyes.
I am tired of Christians appearing to be hate filled first. Just because Jesus turned over the money changers table doesn't give us a free for all. JMO.
I agree, and first impressions are the most important. Epic fail for the guys in your video, IMO.
I remember a friend sharing with me, before she was living for God, that she was on her way to the abortion clinic for her third abortion. The "Christians" were standing across the street with their placards. She said she spit at them and walked into the clinic.
They failed in capturing compassion in her eyes.
I am tired of Christians appearing to be hate filled first. Just because Jesus turned over the money changers table doesn't give us a free for all. JMO.
So, a woman is on her way to kill her third baby at a government-sanctioned baby-killing facility. She sees some Christians there holding signs (I assume the signs essentially said 'don't kill your baby, abortion is murder' etc). She spits at them.
And the Christians are the ones at fault?
I also see how you put little quote marks around the word Christians, as if to say they weren't real Christians.
Are you tired of baby murderers appearing to be hate filled towards God's people?
Did you join with her in condemning Christians who held signs, while passing over her SPITTING at them while she went to kill her third baby?
Do you prefer the company of people who literally and physically SPIT at your own brothers and sisters?
If your blood-relative was talking to the neighbor and said 'you know, you really ought to quit selling that crack out of your house, you're going to wind up getting busted by the cops and going to jail and losing the house and losing your kids,' and if the neighbor's response was to actually spit on your blood-relative in total disgust... would you say 'Man, my relative was such a jerk, too bad that crack dealer didn't see the compassion...'????
So, a woman is on her way to kill her third baby at a government-sanctioned baby-killing facility. She sees some Christians there holding signs (I assume the signs essentially said 'don't kill your baby, abortion is murder' etc). She spits at them.
And the Christians are the ones at fault?
I also see how you put little quote marks around the word Christians, as if to say they weren't real Christians.
Are you tired of baby murderers appearing to be hate filled towards God's people?
Did you join with her in condemning Christians who held signs, while passing over her SPITTING at them while she went to kill her third baby?
Do you prefer the company of people who literally and physically SPIT at your own brothers and sisters?
I don't agree with any display that looks like a mob mentality. What did they do for the woman who went into the building to get an abortion? Nothing. All she was left with was a sign in her face. All she was left with was her pain, as she went home alone.
If your blood-relative was talking to the neighbor and said 'you know, you really ought to quit selling that crack out of your house, you're going to wind up getting busted by the cops and going to jail and losing the house and losing your kids,' and if the neighbor's response was to actually spit on your blood-relative in total disgust... would you say 'Man, my relative was such a jerk, too bad that crack dealer didn't see the compassion...'????
I mean seriously, whiskey-tango-whatever, over?
Confrontation with someone you are personally acquainted with is a totally different scenario.
Maybe I should come back and explain my overall view and what influenced that view.
When my daughter was rebelling, for a period of time during her teenage years, I learned a huge lesson. I found that by not saying anything to anyone and going to God alone, circumstances began to change, and God began to work. When I would talk about it to my mother or anyone else, the situation would get worse.
When she came out of that place she had put herself, I was never the same and viewed the power of prayer and the power of the Holy Ghost in a whole different way. I didn't have to do anything but rely on the power of God. I didn't have to say anything to her. I didn't have to try to make her change, think of what I could do to make the situation better or right.
God did all of that, because I took my hands off of the problem.
How much influence would we have in this world if we targeted our prayers, asking God how do you want me to pray in and for this situation?
I am also remembering a time my son wanted to hear a Christian band, who wasn't the headliner, but played before the main act. I wasn't familiar with this group and so I went with him. Most of the kids were there for the main act. Just hundreds of kids who were apparently lost. I was so stunned by the crowd. When we got home I wept before God asking how in the world could all of these kids be reached. It seemed impossible. He told me to pray that someone would come to each community represented by these children to reach out to them. I doubt he was speaking of someone coming to hold posterboards in their faces. But, you get the idea - it's a one on one and direction from God.
There is power in prayer and I have much more confidence in that than I do the negative connotation that goes with picketing. And really that is all that is when you are holding up posterboards in a crowd of strangers.
Last edited by Pressing-On; 07-12-2013 at 05:17 AM.
I don't agree with any display that looks like a mob mentality. What did they do for the woman who went into the building to get an abortion? Nothing. All she was left with was a sign in her face. All she was left with was her pain, as she went home alone.
Confrontation with someone you are personally acquainted with is a totally different scenario.
Maybe I should come back and explain my overall view and what influenced that view.
When my daughter was rebelling, for a period of time during her teenage years, I learned a huge lesson. I found that by not saying anything to anyone and going to God alone, circumstances began to change, and God began to work. When I would talk about it to my mother or anyone else, the situation would get worse.
When she came out of that place she had put herself, I was never the same and viewed the power of prayer and the power of the Holy Ghost in a whole different way. I didn't have to do anything but rely on the power of God. I didn't have to say anything to her. I didn't have to try to make her change, think of what I could do to make the situation better or right.
God did all of that, because I took my hands off of the problem.
How much influence would we have in this world if we targeted our prayers, asking God how do you want me to pray in and for this situation?
I am also remembering a time my son wanted to hear a Christian band, who wasn't the headliner, but played before the main act. I wasn't familiar with this group and so I went with him. Most of the kids were there for the main act. Just hundreds of kids who were apparently lost. I was so stunned by the crowd. When we got home I wept before God asking how in the world could all of these kids be reached. It seemed impossible. He told me to pray that someone would come to each community represented by these children to reach out to them. I doubt he was speaking of someone coming to hold posterboards in their faces. But, you get the idea - it's a one on one and direction from God.
There is power in prayer and I have much more confidence in that than I do the negative connotation that goes with picketing. And really that is all that is when you are holding up posterboards in a crowd of strangers.
Wow, great post PO, and so true!!!
When folks are told that God hates sinners and intends to torture them forever, it makes it difficult to love them like Jesus.
I am learning the very lessons that you present, prayer and the love of Christ is powerful and does work.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)