Originally Posted by Amanah
I'd love to read this book
this its worth buying used for $50 bucks from Amazon?
It is a good book on showing the excitement of being led by the Spirit. If I had a lot of money it would be worth it. He does not if I recall even mention the Oneness aspects of the revival. That was disappointing to me.
The only other books of men I would pay that kind of money for would be:
The Phenomenon Of Pentecost-Frank Ewart
The definitive story of the early Pentecostal Movement from a Oneness view. To me this is heavyweight at least historically.
The Cross and The Switchblade-Dave Wilkerson
Put a desire in me to want to be a disciple (before I was ever saved) like the ones in the Bible. Dramatic conversions from the gangs of New York. Hit me so hard I guess because in the hood I just moved into at that time (being 12 years old) it was just like what Wilkerson was describing in New York City.