While I can't deny anything you have said there,
the characterization ignores
Dabhar and even
common sense. You would run from someone spewing negative,
and you use what others say as a gauge right now.
"Well then. How 'bout you live your life as you see fit, and I do the same"
is going to happen, regardless. Sure, you make things happen by doing them,
But lots of people do lots of things,
people who are completely dead, to God;
in a way that I barely grasp, myself.
And "just" is not really applicable here,
I don't think, it isn't an either/or thing-
-and somehow, for what reason I don't know
(to mobilize forces that can hear you? Kharma?
do you doubt that there are angels, spirits,
in the world, too?) a thing is better done
when Dabhar precedes it.
It might be completely self-fulfilling,
I don't know; but I do know that my sister
and dad can push storms away, and I can turn
or call animals in a notably weird way-
-to others, at least. I've always considered
it that they're just reading my empathy?
Anyway, beasts who eat grass don't talk anyway;
how many years you got left? And there's a lot
I don't get about this, too...
Get this, lol--I'm pretty sure that
a blessing ends up being a big pain
for a believer, and a curse brings
expanded awareness, in the end...
"Blessing turned to cursing," and vice-versa.
You are right, Timmy, about everything;
and no one can deny that you believe these things.
It is not my (or anyones) place to tell you
(or anyone) that what they believe is "incorrect," or "correct;"

go ahead and try; I got Script that says you (they, whatever)
are completely wasting their time, and going against what God does/says.
Let the Spirit guide you, and use people for opinions; input. Taken with salt.
Imo. I'm growing a new set of teeth! : ) Peace to you, bro.