Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
I will type what I can until hubby calls...
What I was saying earlier is first of all Ron there are no pics because my software is not connected to this computer and so you will have to wait until we are moved...
Second of all about the house.... Now growing up everyone would have said that it is so not like me to go for something smaller or not as nice as I have had.. well those were the days of the spoiled brat Theresa and those days are long over. My life revolves around my husband and my kids..,, they are what I live with and for and I am so proud of that. I dont care where I have to live... what I have to do as long as I am with them and happy. Yes God wants the best for his children and this is the best thing I could ever ask for by being this close to Rob!!!!!
The rooms are small the whole house is small but its only temporary and we love it... there is a lake and pond on the property!!! Tons of room for the kids to run and play and thats just wonderful! Its absolutely beautiful out here! The schools are wonderful out here and they are small! The high school only has 300 kids!
The funniest thing about the whole deal is that when I went there there was another lady on her way to look at the place. After I had decided to take it I asked her if she could hold it for just the deposit until tonight as I had to have my dad wire me the rest of the money (he had it in his account as we havent opened a new account out here yet so he cashed Robs check for us) she hesitantly said that would be fine. I then headed to the atm to get the money out of my old account for the deposit... Something told me when I got there instead of just withdrawing the amount for the deposit to do a balance inquiry... so I did... and after I did that I found that the rest of our tax refund had been deposited into the account!!! So I had the full amount immediately to give her!!! I called her right back and told her she said it was mine to get there! I now hold the keys in my hand to my new home!!!!!
Glad to come home to such good news....
Yup I am home again...for probably a couple of weeks...
Had a wonderful weekend....arrived on Wednesday afternoon...got things unloaded and started to get settleled, was feeling a bit out of sorts as I didn't see any flowers or a card....
Went in the bedroom and on the table was the cutest gorilla and a wonderful card from my hunny!!! He did goood!
We had a nice retreat, and had a wonderful weekend viisting with friends...I am kinda tired right now...but I will sign on in the morning and tell all!!!
Love to all....