Did Randy Hollis throw down the gauntlet? Or did he just "throw down!"
That all depends on your definition of the word "gauntlet." Here is just one definition of the word.
Gauntlet: a form of punishment in which a person is forced to run between two lines of men facing each other and armed with clubs or whips to beat the victim
That definition about sums it up. At the least, that is what happened after the article "The Emancipation of Isaac" was disclosed.
The topic might be dead on this message board. However, it is not dead within the ranks. There are 34 pages of posts concerning this topic. 34 pages of false accusations, sometimes hate, false brotherly love and just plain ignorance. Most of the insults' were playground insults', with no truth behind them. The name of the board here is called "Apostolic Friends Forum." Well, you are only a friend if you don't cross the line. There is really nothing friendly about that topic.
Most of you refer to yourselves as "Brother" or "Sister" with reverential gusto. Claiming to be men and women of God, full of love and faith. Your posts' don't depict that though. You are impervious to your own faults' and some of you sling slander and judgment as if you were claiming to swing a sword given directly to by God. Where is the Christ like feature in that action? Most of what I see on the board here, are a bunch of people throwing slander, gossiping about other Churches and a sore amount of boo-hooing about what you can and can not do. The Pentecostal movement "not just the UPC" has a bad rap because of some of these so called Saint's. Individuals in the Church wonder why the organization has not grown. Take a look at the post's and the attitudes here. The whole "beat em while they are down" attitude is still at the forefront of the Church. That one point will answer most of your questions. I will not even attempt to address the other and more pressing issues.
Now that you know how some of you sound and how I feel. I'll answer some great questions of mystery surrounding Randy Hollis and our Church. It's all quite taboo really. I'll make it so simple and direct....so that nobody can misinterpret what I am going to say.
Are we at Believers charismatic? That all depends on your definition of the word.
Charismatic: Of, relating to, or being a type of Christianity that emphasizes personal religious experience and divinely inspired powers, as of healing, prophecy, and the gift of tongues.
Well sure we are! I think that makes the UPC charismatic also. Start running!
Have the standards changed? YES! Most still come in skirts...unless you count the 100 or so amount of new people that come as they are. We don't beat them over the head with standards, so they do not feel the need to change. None of that should matter though. Because most of them have the Holy Ghost and are Baptized in Jesus Name. The rest are seeking.
Is the Doctrine the same? Yes! Our view of the truth will not change! The truth does not include skirts, hair, makeup and jewelry however. If the standards are apart of truth, then we are reading 2 different Bibles.
Most of you believe what you do, only because 1. That is all you have ever known. 2. A minister somewhere at sometime told you that the UPC had the truth and that they were the only one's with it. 3. You are too scared to seek out real Biblical truth for yourself. Possibly for fear of what happened to Randy Hollis. If you want to seek out what is really going on at our Church. Then I invite you to come. There will not be several Ministers sitting on the platform, looking out at the congregation and judging them. There will not be heathens at our Church running around claiming to be "set free." You will not be judged nor persecuted for your attire, hair or makeup. All you will find is a great man, serving God, calling upon the name of God to move in the services. And that is exactly what happens.
I know Randy Hollis better than any of you. I know his heart and his intentions. I can honestly say that he still has all the truth, just without all the man made rules to hinder the movement that God is about to provide.
Go ahead! Make your judgment calls'. Slander our Church and the Pastor. The truth is......most of you do not have a clue. Feel free to ask me any question. I'll answer it the best I can w/out hurting the Pastor. I will also not provide my name, for the sake of the Church.
Conjecture at best.
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
Matthew 7:1-5, NIV)