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Old 02-19-2007, 03:14 PM
Steve Epley's Avatar
Steve Epley Steve Epley is offline
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
lazy preachers. these guys go around making a big show of their standards. Telling the rest of us we are going to hell for driving past a bar on the way to church or some other nonsense. When the fact of the matter is, they are just too lazy to do some real teaching about living christian lives.

You know why that say "long sleeves"? Because they dont want to dig out the scripture on the subject of modesty and teach people not to show half their boobs from wearing spagettii straps. Just go long sleeves and poof the job is done. NO TEACHING NO ANSWERING QUESTIONS.

Speaking of not answering questions. they just roll with "dont touch the anoited' scare everyone to death with threats about God giving people tongue cancer and such and poof NO TEACHING. Job done.

You know why they are death on TV? Because they dont have to teach people to be balanced. tell people no to touch the "unclean thing" and poof, dont have to worry about moderation. Dont have to worry about teaching FROM THE BIBLE about self control and desernment.

You know why the AMF is death on women in pants? because it prevents them from having to teach that nasty modesty thing. they dont have to even look at the bible. they just point to the bathroom door. "when the ladies room door has a woman in pants then we will talk"

You know why the say no facial hair on men? so they can tell womem they are balance when in comes to all the standards they have for women! "yea I know you cant cut your hair, but your husband has to shave!"


there you go brother Epley how is that for picking a fight?
LAZY you just don't know how much energy goes into saying "What part of NO don't you understand!"
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Old 02-19-2007, 03:48 PM
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Ferd Ferd is offline
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Originally Posted by AGAPE View Post
not much.

pm incoming
after a sort amount of fun. I want to say that Elder Epley is the most conservitive and least legalistic pastor I know of.

I mean this and it is a compliment. Brother E, is one to emulate.
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