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Old 01-29-2012, 09:03 AM
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I don't know, I've known qwacks and nuts who were pagan. However many are "well balanced". I think nutty Christians are the result of unbalanced religion based on the arbitrary will of man. I mean how can one be spiritually balanced when told that God tells their church wedding rings will send one to Hell, yet God allows the church across town to wear them?
You have negative opinions on some of the things God is alleged to have said. We're not so different, you and I.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 01-29-2012, 10:07 AM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
You have negative opinions on some of the things God is alleged to have said. We're not so different, you and I.
I think an important point in here somewhere should be that "God" might tell a person something that is for them, and "they" being human might naturally look for public affirmation, when we are told to "test." Then, their public "test" having "failed," a wall is erected, which the cornerstone for was actually laid by the person looking for affirmation, with the result of "negative opinions" all around, and laughter at what may truly be a Word from God, just not for you, at least right now.
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Old 01-29-2012, 10:16 AM
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by bbyrd009 View Post
I think an important point in here somewhere should be that "God" might tell a person something that is for them, and "they" being human might naturally look for public affirmation, when we are told to "test." Then, their public "test" having "failed," a wall is erected, which the cornerstone for was actually laid by the person looking for affirmation, with the result of "negative opinions" all around, and laughter at what may truly be a Word from God, just not for you, at least right now.
Yeah. That would be bad. I guess.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 01-29-2012, 10:48 AM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by Jay View Post
I listened to a cassette tape made from the book that I believe was based off of that movie. That's the one where they travel to the galactic core to meet 'God'.

I am not going to criticize, because I have been there myself. However, I do not believe in medicating what seems to be a fairly normal condition. If I had to guess, I would say that you are a bit of a perfectionist, and many things in life do not meet your standards (oops ). That is only a supposition, but you sound more like you simply have a melanocholy temperment with a slightly gloomy disposition.

I am disgusted by the 'medical profession' constantly seeking to diagnose everyone in the United States with a 'disorder'. I see too many boys being placed on drugs because they have short attention spans and need to be active. There is a diagnoses for that normal boy behavior! There are a few that truly have ADD/ADHD, but most of them are simply being boys. Further, with proper training and incentives, almost all of the ADD/ADHD children can function without medicine.
Yes, it is the movie where they travel to the center of the Galaxy to meet "god". It is by far the 2nd worst movie in the series (the first one taking the prize) simply because of a number of bad continuity errors. In fact most of the producers have sort of pretended it was never made. Having said that there are many little nuggets in it that I like to quote such as Kirk refusing to let Spock's half brother remove all of his emotional pain because he realized it was what made him who he was.

As far as my depression goes, I have never ever taken a single pill for it. I think the closest pill I have ever taken for the purpose of "altering my mind" was the occasional benedryl tablet in order to help me sleep. I found that a brisk walk, bike ride, or intense 3 minute work out with my Shake Weight (they really work!) does as much as a pill. That isn't to say I'm not a great believe in modern medication -I've taken plenty for my allergies, ear infections, stuff to lesson cold symptoms, and flu shots. Just nothing to alter my personality.

NOW.... back to witchcraft!
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Old 01-29-2012, 11:01 AM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: witchcraft

Ha, imo, if we didn't make ADD, we wouldn't have to "cure" it, lol. I think you guys are mostly dealing with a form of witchcraft here, in pharmacy. You might be surprised how a benadryl can subtly affect your mind, but I wouldn't suggest hell for it, so much as caution. The stripping of nutrients from your food supply might also be termed "witchcraft;" I note amazing clarity of mind since I have quit the traditional grocery store entirely, and would like to say that a lot of that vague anxiety, etc. that people often experience may quite possibly be your body crying for a nutrient. If 2000iu of vitamin D feels like a B12 shot to you, recog.
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Old 01-29-2012, 01:29 PM
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by bbyrd009 View Post
Ha, imo, if we didn't make ADD, we wouldn't have to "cure" it, lol. I think you guys are mostly dealing with a form of witchcraft here, in pharmacy. You might be surprised how a benadryl can subtly affect your mind, but I wouldn't suggest hell for it, so much as caution. The stripping of nutrients from your food supply might also be termed "witchcraft;" I note amazing clarity of mind since I have quit the traditional grocery store entirely, and would like to say that a lot of that vague anxiety, etc. that people often experience may quite possibly be your body crying for a nutrient. If 2000iu of vitamin D feels like a B12 shot to you, recog.
You know, ifn it wasn't for the mislabeling of things as witchcraft...
this'd be a mighty fine and informative post.
former witch... saved by Grace.
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Old 01-29-2012, 01:35 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: witchcraft

Ah, sorry, I skimmed, but didn't see a def def of "witchcraft," which to y'all might be the Bewitched thing?
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Old 01-29-2012, 01:47 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: witchcraft

witchcraft-changing a person's mind without discussion or consent, by some other outside force, generally denoted "for evil" or "for the worse," as by certain drugs or foods.
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Old 01-29-2012, 02:11 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by bbyrd009 View Post
witchcraft-changing a person's mind without discussion or consent, by some other outside force, generally denoted "for evil" or "for the worse," as by certain drugs or foods.
Exercise can change your mind as well. I guess THAT is witchcraft. So can hyped up worship during a song service. I wouldn't call that witchcraft but under YOUR definition it is.
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Old 01-29-2012, 03:44 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: witchcraft

um, "evil, or for the worse?" Ok, well dang I just made that def up, please adj, you are right about the diet/exercise stuff, it's vastly altered my juju, but not for the worse. Um, and emotion worship in services is something I'm sure you're not unfamiliar with? It happens...witchcraft? hmm there might be a better word. Btw, if you don't like "witchcraft" for drugs, k, but you have to find another Biblical equivalent for it, gl w/that.

ps and drugs are bad? Mmmkay? Don't do 'em.

Last edited by bbyrd009; 01-29-2012 at 03:47 PM.
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