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Old 01-28-2012, 08:53 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: witchcraft

Ha, trust that God does not really listen whenever we are asked "So, what do you believe?"
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Old 01-28-2012, 08:55 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I mean how can one be spiritually balanced when told that God tells their church wedding rings will send one to Hell, yet God allows the church across town to wear them?
get new ears?
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Old 01-28-2012, 08:57 PM
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I don't know, I've known qwacks and nuts who were pagan. However many are "well balanced". I think nutty Christians are the result of unbalanced religion based on the arbitrary will of man. I mean how can one be spiritually balanced when told that God tells their church wedding rings will send one to Hell, yet God allows the church across town to wear them?
It's not the wedding rings that's the problem, it's the diamonds that the women looooove to have...think about it, what's the point of having the diamond? "Look at what I've got." A wedding ring should be nothing more than something to know you're married.
1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
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Old 01-28-2012, 09:15 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: witchcraft


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Old 01-28-2012, 09:17 PM
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by houston View Post


Yeah, this thread has taken some interesting turns.
"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn’t help the poor, either we’ve got to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we’ve got to acknowledge that he commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition — and then admit that we just don’t want to do it."
-Steven Colbert
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Old 01-28-2012, 09:28 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post

Yeah, this thread has taken some interesting turns.
Schizo-shamans depressed by legalism or something.
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Old 01-28-2012, 10:19 PM
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by houston View Post
Schizo-shamans depressed by legalism or something.
Ya, I just clicked on this thread after being gone most of the day, to see where it was at, and sure enough, it has degenerated into something totally different than the original posting.

Yes.... sigh.... only on AFF
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Old 01-28-2012, 10:26 PM
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by The Matt View Post
Could you send me a link to these proofs? I'd love to know more about that. I feel as if the devil could possibly mimic the symptoms of schitzophrenia in a person, really in all mental diseases, to make them feel crazy. He is cunning, the father of all lies. I do not deny that mental diseases exist, but I do feel like we depend way too much on medication, I can easily see a world in 30 years where mental disease is the norm, and everyone takes medication to control their emotions. Please, please, please don't think of me as one of those "medication is the devil" kind of people, I do agree that some people require medication.
Matt, in the line of work I do, I could say that easily over 50% of the people coming to see the doctor who even just mention they are anxious, tired, not sleeping well, feeling down... are immediately prescribed a medication for that, and mental disease is very seldom the issue, solely emotions.

This is a very dangerous practice.

The US as a whole is overmedicated, and I do believe that people suffering from mental illness is a very real medical thing, but not everyone suffering from anxiety, or even depression has a medical illness requiring medication.

There is power for healing of the MIND, as welll as the body in Christ Jesus. Thank you Matt for pointing this out.

And now... to get back to the original topic of witchcraft.... to be continued
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Old 01-29-2012, 02:46 AM
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
I may just be a case of those who claim of always being "attacked" or persecuted by demons are the ones who are always telling those about it, thus you always hear them and not the more rational people who realize that life is sometimes just life.

As far as depression goes, I have suffered from it literally my whole life (OK, from age 12 to the present). Sometimes it is sever and other times is is more mild but it is always present. Always. Now I am NOT bi-polar in that I am not depressed a couple of days then experience a day of being absolutely high and giddy. It also doesn't mean I am never happy -on the contrary, I have many good days and DO have fun, it is just that the depression never completely goes away. So I consider myself to have a certain psychological insight into people who don't suffer any sort of depression and then when they DO get the "blah's" they attribute it to some sort of demonic attack.

But, as Captain Kirk told Spocks brother "I need my pain" (coincidentally in the same move that the quote in my signature if from). My continual depression, while rarely fun, has shaped my personality for a reason. I believe I am skeptical when I need to be as well as being able to help others when the only advice they get is "You just need to pray through!".

I listened to a cassette tape made from the book that I believe was based off of that movie. That's the one where they travel to the galactic core to meet 'God'.

I am not going to criticize, because I have been there myself. However, I do not believe in medicating what seems to be a fairly normal condition. If I had to guess, I would say that you are a bit of a perfectionist, and many things in life do not meet your standards (oops ). That is only a supposition, but you sound more like you simply have a melanocholy temperment with a slightly gloomy disposition.

I am disgusted by the 'medical profession' constantly seeking to diagnose everyone in the United States with a 'disorder'. I see too many boys being placed on drugs because they have short attention spans and need to be active. There is a diagnoses for that normal boy behavior! There are a few that truly have ADD/ADHD, but most of them are simply being boys. Further, with proper training and incentives, almost all of the ADD/ADHD children can function without medicine.

(I can be easily distracted, but in my job, security, that is actually a good thing most of the time.)

I guess that I have not had much love for the medical community since I was a very young child. I was so bad that I would not even speak to doctors, and when I finally spoke to one who I saw a lot, he was floored. Well, my opinion over all has not changed very much, and I do not go to the 'houses of healing' unless under great duress, and then I will often feel put upon.
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
Matt, in the line of work I do, I could say that easily over 50% of the people coming to see the doctor who even just mention they are anxious, tired, not sleeping well, feeling down... are immediately prescribed a medication for that, and mental disease is very seldom the issue, solely emotions.

This is a very dangerous practice.

The US as a whole is overmedicated, and I do believe that people suffering from mental illness is a very real medical thing, but not everyone suffering from anxiety, or even depression has a medical illness requiring medication.

There is power for healing of the MIND, as welll as the body in Christ Jesus. Thank you Matt for pointing this out.

And now... to get back to the original topic of witchcraft.... to be continued
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Old 01-29-2012, 02:50 AM
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Re: witchcraft

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
I may just be a case of those who claim of always being "attacked" or persecuted by demons are the ones who are always telling those about it, thus you always hear them and not the more rational people who realize that life is sometimes just life.

As far as depression goes, I have suffered from it literally my whole life (OK, from age 12 to the present). Sometimes it is sever and other times is is more mild but it is always present. Always. Now I am NOT bi-polar in that I am not depressed a couple of days then experience a day of being absolutely high and giddy. It also doesn't mean I am never happy -on the contrary, I have many good days and DO have fun, it is just that the depression never completely goes away. So I consider myself to have a certain psychological insight into people who don't suffer any sort of depression and then when they DO get the "blah's" they attribute it to some sort of demonic attack.

But, as Captain Kirk told Spocks brother "I need my pain" (coincidentally in the same move that the quote in my signature if from). My continual depression, while rarely fun, has shaped my personality for a reason. I believe I am skeptical when I need to be as well as being able to help others when the only advice they get is "You just need to pray through!".

I listened to a cassette tape made from the book that I believe was based off of that movie. That's the one where they travel to the galactic core to meet 'God'.

I am not going to criticize, because I have been there myself. However, I do not believe in medicating what seems to be a fairly normal condition. If I had to guess, I would say that you are a bit of a perfectionist, and many things in life do not meet your standards (oops ). That is only a supposition, but you sound more like you simply have a melanocholy temperment with a slightly gloomy disposition.

I am disgusted by the 'medical profession' constantly seeking to diagnose everyone in the United States with a 'disorder'. I see too many boys being placed on drugs because they have short attention spans and need to be active. There is a diagnoses for that normal boy behavior! There are a few that truly have ADD/ADHD, but most of them are simply being boys. Further, with proper training and incentives, almost all of the ADD/ADHD children can function without medicine.

(I can be easily distracted, but in my job, security, that is actually a good thing most of the time.)

I guess that I have not had much love for the medical community since I was a very young child. I was so bad that I would not even speak to doctors, and when I finally spoke to one who I saw a lot, he was floored. Well, my opinion over all has not changed very much, and I do not go to the 'houses of healing' unless under great duress, and then I will often feel put upon.
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
Matt, in the line of work I do, I could say that easily over 50% of the people coming to see the doctor who even just mention they are anxious, tired, not sleeping well, feeling down... are immediately prescribed a medication for that, and mental disease is very seldom the issue, solely emotions.

This is a very dangerous practice.

The US as a whole is overmedicated, and I do believe that people suffering from mental illness is a very real medical thing, but not everyone suffering from anxiety, or even depression has a medical illness requiring medication.

There is power for healing of the MIND, as welll as the body in Christ Jesus. Thank you Matt for pointing this out.

And now... to get back to the original topic of witchcraft.... to be continued
I copied this post, got distracted by my writing, and forgot about this one. (It was the devil's fault!)

I have to agree with your points, as I rather explained above. I have accused psychiatrists of being interested in only dishing out pills, and every time I hear an advertisement from the American Psychiatric Association they are pushing people to get help for normal emotions and feelings. As Dr. Laura once said, "I don't fix normal."

Now back to the topic of witchcraft...
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