Welcome to Gabbys.. our gabbys mom Sister Truth Seeker isnt here right now she thought it was more important to go to the coast with her hubby then to be here and watch after all of us LOL but we will forgive her this time!!!
So from her and all of us welcome and just join in when you feel comfortable. What gabbys is about is just us sharing our lives our days our families and being a part of each other.. Encouragers in most everything we do is what this thread is about. We all have become a part of each others lives and Ron is our resident gentleman encourager and we love and appreciate him being here! We have a few that peek in from time to time just because they feel left out (the men that is lol) otherwise I think Ron is the only one brave enough to come in and hang out with us!!!
So read up, talk up and feel free to join in when you are comfortable