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Old 02-19-2007, 09:14 AM
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I also have another situation to request prayer for. As you know (those of you who have been involced with Gabbys' for the past year or so) I have been wanting another job for quite awhild but finances won't allow it plus I have wonderful benefits and my husband has none. And my husband has been praying about the possibility of finding another job just not sure where to go or what to do - anyways, he talked to some people last week about a possible job opportunity that would pay very well and would have awesome benefits. He is supposed to be going to the actual company (hopefully this week) to get more info as far as how much time off he would get in a year (due to our involvement in the church) and how often he would have to stay overnight. He would be doing the same exact thing he is doing now just for a bigger company. If it is GOd's will I know it will work out - if not we will keep patiently waiting. If it works out it would free me up to get something part time!
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Old 02-19-2007, 09:15 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
Good Monday Morning everyone! What a weekend I have had!!! But before I get to chatting with everyone I have a special prayer requests. My mother has been battling high blood pressure for the last few months and is on medication for it however Friday she was having really bad "aches" not really pains but lots of aching on the left side of her chest and upper torso, down her arm etc... so her doctor made her get checked out at the ER and they admitted her for 24 hours to run tests and to monitor her. So far all looks fairly well but she stilld doesn't feel the best. She is going back in this morning for more testing. She is only in her later 40's. Please pray for her.
Hey girl I will be praying for your mom, I know its scary.. I am sure you have read the prayer request and seen what happened with my mom... so I understand. I do have a question and I am sure the drs have already checked this out but..... what bp med is she on? The reason I ask this is my husband has been on bp meds for about 4 months and when they first began treating his they put him on hctz and when they did he had the exact same reaction. They had to take him off of it and put him on altace (think thats the name of it) what it was doing is making it go on a yoyo effect and his body reacted by making him feel exactly as he was having a heart attack! It scared us to death but the dr knew immediately what was happening as soon as they called him... he said its rare but that med and one other bp med just sometimes are too strong and that was one of the side effects he had found to happen in 2 of his own patients... just a thought????

I will keep praying that they will find out what is wrong and get it delt with quickly
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Old 02-19-2007, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Hey girl I will be praying for your mom, I know its scary.. I am sure you have read the prayer request and seen what happened with my mom... so I understand. I do have a question and I am sure the drs have already checked this out but..... what bp med is she on? The reason I ask this is my husband has been on bp meds for about 4 months and when they first began treating his they put him on hctz and when they did he had the exact same reaction. They had to take him off of it and put him on altace (think thats the name of it) what it was doing is making it go on a yoyo effect and his body reacted by making him feel exactly as he was having a heart attack! It scared us to death but the dr knew immediately what was happening as soon as they called him... he said its rare but that med and one other bp med just sometimes are too strong and that was one of the side effects he had found to happen in 2 of his own patients... just a thought????

I will keep praying that they will find out what is wrong and get it delt with quickly

That was her first thoughts also - the medicine. Hopefully we will know more after today. Thanks for your prayers!!
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Old 02-19-2007, 09:26 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
That was her first thoughts also - the medicine. Hopefully we will know more after today. Thanks for your prayers!!

You are very welcome Yea the drs at the er told us it was impossible for that med to have that kind of reaction... I insisted they called his regular dr and when they did he immediately knew what it was and that it was indeed a reaction... proved them wrong real fast! Its freaky though that a med made to help keep that same thing from happening actually the counterreaction of it is to make you feel as if you are having an heart attack!!!!

Continued prayers!
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Old 02-19-2007, 09:26 AM

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Thanks for the invite!!!!!!! I hope to join in where I can and have a good time while I am here!!! Yall aren't shy of newcomers are ya? Good. Now, about that Starbucks....................................Tripl e Grande Mocha thanks!!
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Old 02-19-2007, 09:30 AM
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Welcome to Gabbys.. our gabbys mom Sister Truth Seeker isnt here right now she thought it was more important to go to the coast with her hubby then to be here and watch after all of us LOL but we will forgive her this time!!!

So from her and all of us welcome and just join in when you feel comfortable. What gabbys is about is just us sharing our lives our days our families and being a part of each other.. Encouragers in most everything we do is what this thread is about. We all have become a part of each others lives and Ron is our resident gentleman encourager and we love and appreciate him being here! We have a few that peek in from time to time just because they feel left out (the men that is lol) otherwise I think Ron is the only one brave enough to come in and hang out with us!!!

So read up, talk up and feel free to join in when you are comfortable
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Old 02-19-2007, 09:44 AM
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Goooooood Monday Mooooorrrrnnninng Ladies!

I hope all is well. QE praying.
AG-glad to hear God is at work in your mom's and your lives-now about that pic of a house??
Debra-Good to see ya here.
Rhoni-still praying.

To the rest I pray you all are blessed.

Hopefully I will pick up my Car/Van after work.
Whisper a prayer.

God Bless!

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Old 02-19-2007, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post

Welcome to Gabbys.. our gabbys mom Sister Truth Seeker isnt here right now she thought it was more important to go to the coast with her hubby then to be here and watch after all of us LOL but we will forgive her this time!!!

So from her and all of us welcome and just join in when you feel comfortable. What gabbys is about is just us sharing our lives our days our families and being a part of each other.. Encouragers in most everything we do is what this thread is about. We all have become a part of each others lives and Ron is our resident gentleman encourager and we love and appreciate him being here! We have a few that peek in from time to time just because they feel left out (the men that is lol) otherwise I think Ron is the only one brave enough to come in and hang out with us!!!

So read up, talk up and feel free to join in when you are comfortable
Yes - Welcome Debra!!! It won't take you long to feel VERY comfortable here.

I can't wait for STS's return - it seems as if it has been forever since I chatted with her.
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Old 02-19-2007, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Goooooood Monday Mooooorrrrnnninng Ladies!

I hope all is well. QE praying.
AG-glad to hear God is at work in your mom's and your lives-now about that pic of a house??
Debra-Good to see ya here.
Rhoni-still praying.

To the rest I pray you all are blessed.

Hopefully I will pick up my Car/Van after work.
Whisper a prayer.

God Bless!

Hey Ron!!
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Old 02-19-2007, 10:12 AM
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Morning everyone!

Pray for us--the kids have been horribly sick. The 3 year old was the last to catch this virus and woke up in the middle of the night with a fever. We knew he was catching it since he has been so cranky the last few days.

Pray for me also. God has really been talking to me lately about some things and I need wisdom on how to deal with some situations.
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