Re: Non-Tithers are Excommunicated?
I wonder what % of your typical UC preachers would expect a check for a hundred grand in the offering plate if they found out one of their "sheep" spent some time in a casino and hit a million dollar jackpot playing slots?
Of course a hundred grand wouldn't be enough either. Since tithing is considered mandatory, it isn't true giving, so there would be an expectation of another 50 or so thousand as part of an offering.
An old pastor of mine taught that besides the mandatory 10%, you were expected to give 5% as an offering. Since the first 15% was now in effect, required, you had to go above and beyond THAT to be considered truly giving.
For some reason when I was watching the movie Office Space, the scene at the restaurant where Jennifer Anistons character is arguing with her manager about the amount of 'flair' she had to wear, made me think of the this whole thing.
Last edited by RandyWayne; 10-18-2011 at 10:16 AM.