Originally Posted by Tina
Thank you.  LOL If you only knew how many "not so great" pictures that I didn't post.... You wouldn't want me to even try.
The Kodak Magic Share cameras do make pretty good pictures for a cheap camera though... so I can't complain about the quality of the pictures. Just that I had trouble keeping kids focused on me instead of everything going on around them.
I hear you. I've done Senior pictures for lots and lots of kids here. I've done all of my nieces and nephews Senior pics so far. Plus I've done for several area families whose families are not wealthy enough to afford the big prices of professional shots. But do you think that MY son will let me do his pics? Oh my, no way! So guess who is getting a job for the summer! I've told him that if he doesn't want what I can afford, then he will need to find a way to pay for what he wants. Guess that makes me a tough mom, eh? Oh well.