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Old 06-25-2011, 01:49 PM
MrJob62 MrJob62 is offline
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Re: Cost of Anchor Babies in LA?

Originally Posted by cmgibson View Post
The state of Texas has a deficit of $27 billion dollars in 2011. That is just the deficit of one state. The cost(regardless of the benefits the new "legals" will provide) of passing the DREAM act is $6.2 billion nationwide. I think Jesus would want us to keep that money for ourselves don't you think?

Our church has a Spanish ministry and I met my wife there a couple of years ago. Should I have turned her and my "anchor baby" step-daughter in to the authorities? Maybe I'll stick with my own kind next time if God doesn't see fit for this marriage to work.
I think Jesus would like it if we brought our loaves and fishes and shared them with those less fortunate than our selves. He would probably like it if we stopped paying farmers to grow more corn than we need and dumping it on the markets of central America and Mexico putting their farmers out of work, and off their land and here in the US looking for a job.
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Old 06-25-2011, 01:52 PM
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Re: Cost of Anchor Babies in LA?

Originally Posted by MrJob62 View Post
I think Jesus would like it if we brought our loaves and fishes and shared them with those less fortunate than our selves. He would probably like it if we stopped paying farmers to grow more corn than we need and dumping it on the markets of central America and Mexico put their farmers out of work and off their land and here in the US looking for a job.
Yes but we don't need to look to illegals to find those less fortunate than ourselves. There are plenty of legals and American citizens right here that need help

Do you have evidence that our extra corn is not being used for ethanol and is instead being forced on central America and Mexico and lower prices than their farmers can sell to put them out of work and off their land? Ironically a lot of our fruit comes from S. Am
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Old 06-25-2011, 02:34 PM
MrJob62 MrJob62 is offline
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Re: Cost of Anchor Babies in LA?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
A better solution is to do a better job of closing the borders and restart the guest worker program
This is still treating the symptoms and not the cause. What is at stake here is survival. NAFTA has been an utter failure for the middle class of both countries and a boom for the wealthy and the corporations that have no loyalty . The borders are like stop lights that the police and fire fighters run when some ones life is in danger. NAFTA has devastated agriculture south of the border and industry to the north. The men that are here illegally don't want to be here. They would like to be with their wives and children or their girl friends and sleep in their own beds. Instead they are in a foreign country where they are exploited and every one is mad at them; even their Christian brothers. They work their butts off 6-7 days a week sharing a house with 10 other guys and sending all their money home to take care of their families. I have found their Western Union receipts in the back of my pickup. Unjust laws have been passed buy bribed politicians and they have destroyed the fabric of community by causing us to blame each other and the poorest among us.

The bible gives us guidelines on how we are to treat aliens nd we would be wise to follow them.
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Old 06-25-2011, 02:59 PM
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Re: Cost of Anchor Babies in LA?

Originally Posted by MrJob62 View Post
This is still treating the symptoms and not the cause. What is at stake here is survival. NAFTA has been an utter failure for the middle class of both countries and a boom for the wealthy and the corporations that have no loyalty . The borders are like stop lights that the police and fire fighters run when some ones life is in danger. NAFTA has devastated agriculture south of the border and industry to the north. The men that are here illegally don't want to be here. They would like to be with their wives and children or their girl friends and sleep in their own beds. Instead they are in a foreign country where they are exploited and every one is mad at them; even their Christian brothers. They work their butts off 6-7 days a week sharing a house with 10 other guys and sending all their money home to take care of their families. I have found their Western Union receipts in the back of my pickup. Unjust laws have been passed buy bribed politicians and they have destroyed the fabric of community by causing us to blame each other and the poorest among us.

The bible gives us guidelines on how we are to treat aliens nd we would be wise to follow them.
Nafta isn't the cause. The Cause is a system of government and economics in Mexico that is a failure. Unless you advocate taking over Mexico and making it a state of the US, then all we can do is address the problem
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  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
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Old 06-25-2011, 03:14 PM
MrJob62 MrJob62 is offline
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Re: Cost of Anchor Babies in LA?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Yes but we don't need to look to illegals to find those less fortunate than ourselves. There are plenty of legals and American citizens right here that need help

Do you have evidence that our extra corn is not being used for ethanol and is instead being forced on central America and Mexico and lower prices than their farmers can sell to put them out of work and off their land? Ironically a lot of our fruit comes from S. Am
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the impact of farm subsidies

Impact of subsidies

Farm subsidies have the direct effect of transferring income from the general tax payers to farm owners. The justification for this transfer and its effects are complex and often controversial.
[edit] Global food prices and international trade

Although some critics and proponents of the World Trade Organization have noted that export subsidies, by driving down the price of commodities, can provide cheap food for consumers in developing countries,[21][22] low prices are harmful to farmers not receiving the subsidy. Because it is usually wealthy countries that can afford domestic subsidies, critics argue that they promote poverty in developing countries by artificially driving down world crop prices.[23] Agriculture is one of the few areas where developing countries have a comparative advantage, but low crop prices encourage developing countries to be dependent buyers of food from wealthy countries. So local farmers, instead of improving the agricultural and economic self-sufficiency of their home country, are instead forced out of the market and perhaps even off their land. This occurs as a result of a process known as "international dumping" in which subsidized farmers are able to "dump" low-cost agricultural goods on foreign markets at costs that un-subsidized farmers cannot compete with. Agricultural subsidies often are a common stumbling block in trade negotiations. In 2006, talks at the Doha round of WTO trade negotiations stalled because the US refused to cut subsidies to a level where other countries' non-subsidized exports would have been competitive.[24]

Others argue that a world market with farm subsidies and other market distortions (as happens today) results in higher food prices, rather than lower food prices, as compared to a free market.[citation needed]

Mark Malloch Brown, former head of the United Nations Development Program, estimated that farm subsidies cost poor countries about USD$50 billion a year in lost agricultural exports:

"It is the extraordinary distortion of global trade, where the West spends $360 billion a year on protecting its agriculture with a network of subsidies and tariffs that costs developing countries about US$50 billion in potential lost agricultural exports. Fifty billion dollars is the equivalent of today's level of development assistance."[25][26]

[edit] Poverty in Developing Countries

The impact of agricultural subsidies in developed countries upon developing-country farmers and international development is well documented. Agricultural subsidies depress world prices and mean that unsubsidised developing-country farmers cannot compete; and the effects on poverty are particularly negative when subsidies are provided for crops that are also grown in developing countries since developing-country farmers must then compete directly with subsidised developed-country farmers, for example in cotton and sugar.[27] The IFPRI has estimated in 2003 that the impact of subsidies costs developing countries $24Bn in lost incomes going to agricultural and agro-industrial production; and more than $40Bn is displaced from net agricultural exports.[28] Moreover the same study found that the Least Developed Countries have a higher proportion of GDP dependent upon agriculture, at around 36.7%, thus may be even more vulnerable to the effects of subsidies. It has been argued that subsidised agriculture in the developed world is one of the greatest obstacles to economic growth in the developing world; which has an indirect impact on reducing the income available to invest in rural infrastructure such as health, safe water supplies and electricity for the rural poor.[29] The total amount of subsidies that g
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Old 06-25-2011, 03:28 PM
MrJob62 MrJob62 is offline
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Re: Cost of Anchor Babies in LA?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Nafta isn't the cause. The Cause is a system of government and economics in Mexico that is a failure. Unless you advocate taking over Mexico and making it a state of the US, then all we can do is address the problem

NAFTA and all of the other free trade agreement are for the benefit of big business. That is why they gave Bill Clinton so much money to get elected. In just the 8 years the George W. Bush was in office 49,000 factories closed and went over seas. Things haven't gotten any better since Obama was elected. Please go to http://www.freespeech.org and see the documentary "American Jobs" 30 year of predatory capitalism have just about killed this country and the worst part is that the people are blaming each other instead of the companies the foisted this upon us.
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Old 06-25-2011, 04:24 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Cost of Anchor Babies in LA?

Originally Posted by MrJob62 View Post
I think Jesus would like it if we brought our loaves and fishes and shared them with those less fortunate than our selves. He would probably like it if we stopped paying farmers to grow more corn than we need and dumping it on the markets of central America and Mexico putting their farmers out of work, and off their land and here in the US looking for a job.
Exactly who is paying farmers to grow more corn than we need?

Is that a dis honest claim?

We are paying farmers to not plant certain crops.

We are also not dumping corn in the other Americas. In fact the corn shortages have raised the price since last year.

Corn was $3.40 june 25 last year.
Corn trading at $6.70 This week.

The United States grew 39 percent of the world's corn in during fiscal year 2010, producing 331 million metric tons (12.1 billion bushels). Other major corn producing countries in 2009/2010 included:

China -158 million metric tons (6.2 billion bushels)
European Union - 57.1 million metric tons (2.25 billion bushels)
Brazil- 56.1 million metric tons (2.2 billion bushels)
Argentina - 22.5 million metric tons (886 million bushels)
Mexico - 20.3 million metric tons (799 million bushels)
India - 16.7 million metric tons (657 million bushels)

The price of corn tortillas triples. Kinda refutes your false claim of corn "dumping"

Your dishonest line about dumping corn so mexicans go broke. They buy corn from us and it is very expensive. If they raised more, they wouldn't have to import the expensive corn.
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Old 06-25-2011, 04:29 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Cost of Anchor Babies in LA?

Originally Posted by MrJob62 View Post
NAFTA and all of the other free trade agreement are for the benefit of big business. That is why they gave Bill Clinton so much money to get elected. In just the 8 years the George W. Bush was in office 49,000 factories closed and went over seas. Things haven't gotten any better since Obama was elected. Please go to http://www.freespeech.org and see the documentary "American Jobs" 30 year of predatory capitalism have just about killed this country and the worst part is that the people are blaming each other instead of the companies the foisted this upon us.
People in China need to eat. Your imperialist attitude is rather robust.

It is funny when the leftist regime pushes its propoganda.
"Predatory capitalism"

Do you make stuff up? Chan has 49 million people in jail. They work in manyfacturing jobs and get food. They do not earn a paycheck. We can't compete with labor that is nearly free. When Mao Zedong came along, he starved the poor classes and millions died. Now they make consumer products and get food.
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Old 06-25-2011, 07:17 PM
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Re: Cost of Anchor Babies in LA?

Originally Posted by MrJob62 View Post
NAFTA and all of the other free trade agreement are for the benefit of big business. That is why they gave Bill Clinton so much money to get elected. In just the 8 years the George W. Bush was in office 49,000 factories closed and went over seas. Things haven't gotten any better since Obama was elected. Please go to http://www.freespeech.org and see the documentary "American Jobs" 30 year of predatory capitalism have just about killed this country and the worst part is that the people are blaming each other instead of the companies the foisted this upon us.
It still has little to do with the economy in Mexico and illegal immigration. Mexicans have been coming here long before Nafta
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Old 06-26-2011, 04:26 PM
MrJob62 MrJob62 is offline
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Re: Cost of Anchor Babies in LA?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
It still has little to do with the economy in Mexico and illegal immigration. Mexicans have been coming here long before Nafta
Country of origin Raw number Percent of total Percent change 2000 to 2009
Mexico 6,650,000 62 42%
El Salvador 530,000 5 25%
Guatemala 480,000 4 65%
Honduras 320,000 3 95%
Philippines 270,000 2 33%
India 200,000 2 64%
Korea 200,000 2 14%
Other(balance) 2,145,000 20

Notice how much the number have gone up since 2000
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