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Old 04-14-2011, 11:09 AM
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Rev. Marvin Treece has been Promoted

At approx. 9:00AM a Prince of Preachers and a genuine Christian slipped out of the earthly and into the heavenly. May God give comfort to his family and friends.
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Old 04-14-2011, 12:10 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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Re: Rev. Marvin Treece has been Promoted

Heard him preach a great message on revelations. He was a greek scholar.
I have one of his books on acts.
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Old 04-14-2011, 02:28 PM
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Re: Rev. Marvin Treece has been Promoted


I didn't even know he was sick.

He was a very intelligent man.
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Old 04-14-2011, 02:47 PM
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How old was Brother Treece?
I'm (sic) not cynical, I just haven't been around long enough to be Jedi mind-tricked by politics as usual. Alas, maybe in a few years I'll be beaten back into the herd. tstew
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Old 04-14-2011, 03:40 PM
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Re: Rev. Marvin Treece has been Promoted

I don't know but I would guess in his seventies.
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Old 04-15-2011, 05:53 AM
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Re: Rev. Marvin Treece has been Promoted

What memories. Murrell Ewing was my pastor, but Marvin Treece became more of a mentor to me--I related more to his scholarly style of ministry. When you sat and spoke with him, you could tell you were in the presence of an expert. You listened with the attention that you would pay to your doctor or your lawyer. I'll say it diplomatically--it's not every pentecostal preacher that one could feel this way about.

I'll always consider south Lake Charles home, and Marvin Treece represented that. Many so-called "self made" men, especially in the areas of Greek study, are just not "all that." Marvin Treece was genuine. He didn't take a Greek translation to the pulpit with the English written at the bottom, he preached from an actual Greek text. Of course he had his "proof-texts" ... Thayer and Gesenius were the greatest of Greek lexicographers and THEY disagreed on Koine Greek language and syntax--it's the nature of the language. But Marvin Treece could have held his own with anyone in this area. He was the rare "self-taught" man that you could say this about in this field.

He was a "man's man." I remember how he would roll his "r"s when he spoke, and would tell me: "To me, there is no difference." He was my friend when I was in the pentecostal ministry and church, and was just as true a friend when I was out. That does not mean he endorsed everything about me. I did not expect him to. But his feelings for people were true, and frankly, I"m not sure I can think of a pentecostal preacher who had such feelings and true, sincere, unpretentious concern for people in quite the same way.

Amazing that Marvin Treece, Murrell Ewing, Ken Brady, and Charlie Carruth, the "classic" Conqueror's Quartet, have all passed away now. What a scholar, preacher and teacher Marvin Treece was. When I left the pentecostal ministry, I gave him my ministerial library. I know it would not have been put to better use anywhere. The best compliment I know to give him is that he was a true friend and the ultimate professional. Fare thee well, Brother Treece. You will be missed. My condolences to the family.
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Old 04-15-2011, 08:04 AM
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Re: Rev. Marvin Treece has been Promoted

Originally Posted by timlan2057 View Post
What memories. Murrell Ewing was my pastor, but Marvin Treece became more of a mentor to me--I related more to his scholarly style of ministry. When you sat and spoke with him, you could tell you were in the presence of an expert. You listened with the attention that you would pay to your doctor or your lawyer. I'll say it diplomatically--it's not every pentecostal preacher that one could feel this way about.

I'll always consider south Lake Charles home, and Marvin Treece represented that. Many so-called "self made" men, especially in the areas of Greek study, are just not "all that." Marvin Treece was genuine. He didn't take a Greek translation to the pulpit with the English written at the bottom, he preached from an actual Greek text. Of course he had his "proof-texts" ... Thayer and Gesenius were the greatest of Greek lexicographers and THEY disagreed on Koine Greek language and syntax--it's the nature of the language. But Marvin Treece could have held his own with anyone in this area. He was the rare "self-taught" man that you could say this about in this field.

He was a "man's man." I remember how he would roll his "r"s when he spoke, and would tell me: "To me, there is no difference." He was my friend when I was in the pentecostal ministry and church, and was just as true a friend when I was out. That does not mean he endorsed everything about me. I did not expect him to. But his feelings for people were true, and frankly, I"m not sure I can think of a pentecostal preacher who had such feelings and true, sincere, unpretentious concern for people in quite the same way.

Amazing that Marvin Treece, Murrell Ewing, Ken Brady, and Charlie Carruth, the "classic" Conqueror's Quartet, have all passed away now. What a scholar, preacher and teacher Marvin Treece was. When I left the pentecostal ministry, I gave him my ministerial library. I know it would not have been put to better use anywhere. The best compliment I know to give him is that he was a true friend and the ultimate professional. Fare thee well, Brother Treece. You will be missed. My condolences to the family.
I did not realize he sung in that Quarter.

Where is his son now? Someone told me they thought he was out of the organization.

He was a quiet spoken man with lots of wisdom.
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Old 04-17-2011, 05:21 PM
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Re: Rev. Marvin Treece has been Promoted

Does anyone know the cause of his death? Has he been sick? I appreciated his ministry - heard him speak at Conference. He was not boastful of his knowledge. Seemed a true Christian.
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Old 04-18-2011, 10:10 AM
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Re: Rev. Marvin Treece has been Promoted

Originally Posted by committed View Post
Does anyone know the cause of his death? Has he been sick? I appreciated his ministry - heard him speak at Conference. He was not boastful of his knowledge. Seemed a true Christian.
I do not. I did hear that he was legally blind, but other than that I do not know.
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Old 09-02-2016, 11:49 PM
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Re: Rev. Marvin Treece has been Promoted

I always heard about this man,
I would love to read a book about him if there's one out there.
Thank You Jesus for using this man to teach us Truth.
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