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Old 03-01-2011, 09:34 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Sister, I dont mean to be unkind, but we have seen these prophcies since we have posted together. Eventually the Profits will be right.

not because they heard from God but because if you predict doom every day something doomish will eventually happen.
I know. My friend that said the Lord had given him a time line of one year and what he/we expected did not happen and he questioned God about it. He said God asked him did things not start happening then? He names some specific things that I don't remember exactly, but part of it had to with economy.

But not to be unkind, but you can say prophecies don't happen or they don't happen the way we think they should or even in the time frame we think. But I have heard within the last 6 months this prophecy given by more than one person.

It is not a time to be afraid but to prepare yourself. JMO
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Old 03-01-2011, 09:46 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
I know. My friend that said the Lord had given him a time line of one year and what he/we expected did not happen and he questioned God about it. He said God asked him did things not start happening then? He names some specific things that I don't remember exactly, but part of it had to with economy.

But not to be unkind, but you can say prophecies don't happen or they don't happen the way we think they should or even in the time frame we think. But I have heard within the last 6 months this prophecy given by more than one person.

It is not a time to be afraid but to prepare yourself. JMO
Sister, your friend who had that one year timeline, should not question God. He should question himself and his spiritual ears.

I think and know that prophecies happen. I have seen the prophetic word work in my life. I know men of God who are prophets and what I know of them is that they generally reveal sin and judgment for sin while providing a way of escape via acknowledgement of sin and commitment to repentance.

They are not Pentecostal horoscope readers and future predictors. If you want to hear a real prophet, do an internet search for Verbal Bean’s Scummy Pot sermon. That was real prophecy.
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Old 03-01-2011, 09:47 AM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: A Sense of Dread

So does anyone ever experience a Sense of Non-Dread?

Is one type of dread worse than another?

Who is more intimidating sounding, The Dread Pirate Roberts or the Dread Pirate Wesley?
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Old 03-01-2011, 09:47 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
Anyone else here feeling it?

A sense of dread recently came over me. There's something in the making. I have no idea what it is. Usually when this happens, it's not long before some big disaster. I felt like this shortly before 9-11.

Just thought I would ask...
Yes, I have been feeling it. I did not feel it before 9/11, however.
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Old 03-01-2011, 09:48 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Sister, your friend who had that one year timeline, should not question God. He should question himself and his spiritual ears.

I think and know that prophecies happen. I have seen the prophetic word work in my life. I know men of God who are prophets and what I know of them is that they generally reveal sin and judgment for sin while providing a way of escape via acknowledgement of sin and commitment to repentance.

They are not Pentecostal horoscope readers and future predictors. If you want to hear a real prophet, do an internet search for Verbal Bean’s Scummy Pot sermon. That was real prophecy.
I have heard that message referred to before. What did he prophecy?

But I agree with you about the horoscope issue. But at the same time I believe God does warn His people. He told Joseph to go to Egypt and then He told him when to go home. God does give warnings to His people.
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Old 03-01-2011, 09:52 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

I think there are people who make up dread so they can feel spiritual. I think there are people who claim to never feel dread so they can feel like they are not trying to feel spiritual. Then, there are people who sometimes feel dread and sometimes not. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are not.

I feel dread because I read the headlines.
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Old 03-01-2011, 09:56 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by ILG View Post
I think there are people who make up dread so they can feel spiritual. I think there are people who claim to never feel dread so they can feel like they are not trying to feel spiritual. Then, there are people who sometimes feel dread and sometimes not. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are not.

I feel dread because I read the headlines.
I was going to ask you that!
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Old 03-01-2011, 10:06 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

I have zero patience with "spiritual" people who like to predict the future. Really I don’t.

I can come up with every bit the same ideas of doom using the local news paper or CNN.com.

We have every reason in the natural world with carnal understanding to see impending disaster on the horizon. We don’t need a shockamoo to come up with that.

Tagging such a future prediction with "God told me" doesn’t hold one bit of water with me because the facts on the ground are such that some god hating sinner can come up with the exact same opinion and has the exact same chance of being right.

That isn’t God. That is looking at the future with dread and trying to blame God for it. It is repugnant to me. This is exactly what happened to the church in the 1970s.

Because of the upheaval in society and looming conflict between the USSR and USA with its nuclear overtones, and the unrest in the Middle East, everyone was freaked out. AND instead of preaching the Church Triumphant, our ministers picked up on the fear and turned it into alter filling panic. AND we lost a generation who turned away from church because church made them more sacred than the scary world they lived in!

It was a trick of the Devil.

It was a trick to drive up numbers but they were hollow numbers that did far more harm than good. I will not be part of that. I refuse to accept fear as a means to drive people to God. The church I am a part of, will not return to that lunacy.

It was a trick of the Devil that set the Church back a generation and we are still paying for it.
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Old 03-01-2011, 10:08 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
I have heard that message referred to before. What did he prophecy?

But I agree with you about the horoscope issue. But at the same time I believe God does warn His people. He told Joseph to go to Egypt and then He told him when to go home. God does give warnings to His people.
the judgement of God on a church. and he was right.

God gave very detailed and specific instructions and plans along with that warning. AND that doom that was coming was designed by God for the purpose of God. and the People of God were made fat in the middle of the doom.

God gives warning? Or God gives instruction? You cannot seperate Gods instructions from the warning.
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Old 03-01-2011, 10:10 AM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I have zero patience with "spiritual" people who like to predict the future. Really I don’t.

I can come up with every bit the same ideas of doom using the local news paper or CNN.com.

We have every reason in the natural world with carnal understanding to see impending disaster on the horizon. We don’t need a shockamoo to come up with that.

Tagging such a future prediction with "God told me" doesn’t hold one bit of water with me because the facts on the ground are such that some god hating sinner can come up with the exact same opinion and has the exact same chance of being right.

That isn’t God. That is looking at the future with dread and trying to blame God for it. It is repugnant to me. This is exactly what happened to the church in the 1970s.

Because of the upheaval in society and looming conflict between the USSR and USA with its nuclear overtones, and the unrest in the Middle East, everyone was freaked out. AND instead of preaching the Church Triumphant, our ministers picked up on the fear and turned it into alter filling panic. AND we lost a generation who turned away from church because church made them more sacred than the scary world they lived in!

It was a trick of the Devil.

It was a trick to drive up numbers but they were hollow numbers that did far more harm than good. I will not be part of that. I refuse to accept fear as a means to drive people to God. The church I am a part of, will not return to that lunacy.

It was a trick of the Devil that set the Church back a generation and we are still paying for it.
Ya, I've successfully held back about 98% of my sarcasm on this thread. It hasn't been easy. Lets just say that emotions are the most unpredictable and unreliable metric for any dealings with God, yet it is unfortunately the most often used.
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