Would you say that there is a limit to how a Pentecostal girl can style her hair? Or what about wearing stylish clothing? I want an answer, because I sorta want to vent about something.
Modest doesn't mean only much skin you have covered. It means moderate. So, yes, there should be limits.
Would you say that there is a limit to how a Pentecostal girl can style her hair? Or what about wearing stylish clothing? I want an answer, because I sorta want to vent about something.
Yes and no.
Limits as in good teaching on the meaning of modesty and an understanding of where our adorning should focus. Yes.
Limits as in rules that say you can only style your hair X amount. No.
Lists of rules don't change people. They only give them a certain set of parameters within which they can continue to miss the point.
Gossip... slander... hatred... envy... strife... murders... adultery... the list is long and too few people even take the time to preach it.
And I didn't use the verse in Deuteronomy. I don't use it. It is intermingled with a bunch of other scriptures that we completely ignore and I find that inconsistent and frivolous to do so.
What I am talking about isn't pants or short sleeves. What I'm talking about is an inward spirit by which we choose our clothing. All of us. We can put on a dress that goes to the floor with sleeves to the fingernails and a neckline to the earlobes...
But we often still completely miss the point these days. I saw a picture on facebook today of a pentecostal girl. LIterlally... neckline to the earlobes... But gold pieces in her hair (not real gold i am sure)... very fancy stylings, her hair was dolled up with every conceivable curl & crimp...
And yet most would say it was holy because it is a dress etc. Who adorns themselves more than pentecostals when it comes to hair? Very few.
I'm not trying to put dress rules on people. I'm saying that those who tout the dress rules the most seem to be missing the point entirely IMO.
I would say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way this pentecostal girl did her hair (of course I didn't see it) other than the utter hypocrisy present in most cases. Such as that of a lady like you described spending an hour doing her hair where every strand is perfectly tweaked, yet looking down in righteous indignation at someone else MUCH more modest, yet wearing a small earring. I see that and can fully understand Jesus frustration with that same attitude in His day.
Would you say that there is a limit to how a Pentecostal girl can style her hair? Or what about wearing stylish clothing? I want an answer, because I sorta want to vent about something.
In my opinion, it is none of my business how a Pentecostal girl or woman or boy or man styles his/her hair. Or how long or how short their hair is. Or how they dress. That is between them and God. He is their Judge. I am not their judge. I believe each person should dress/act/talk the way they think pleases God and completely ignore my opinion and the opinion of anyone else.
Do I preach braids are a sin? You bet! Every chance I get. Trying to warn everyone of those evil braids. They're right up there with murder, lying, and short sleeves.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I would say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way this pentecostal girl did her hair (of course I didn't see it) other than the utter hypocrisy present in most cases. Such as that of a lady like you described spending an hour doing her hair where every strand is perfectly tweaked, yet looking down in righteous indignation at someone else MUCH more modest, yet wearing a small earring. I see that and can fully understand Jesus frustration with that same attitude in His day.
And I think the point you are making is much of the point that scripture was making when it made the statements concerning these things.
Lists of rules don't change people. They only give them a certain set of parameters within which they can continue to miss the point.
What we make of the Bible will never be as great a thing as what the Bible will - if we let it - make of us.~Rich Mullins
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.~Galileo Galilei
So, a pentecostal girl should NOT be preached on because of how she styles her hair? Or if she wears stylish clothing?
If there's nothing wrong with it, then why do I feel like I am being preached on by it? By two of them! And the thing that upsets me the most is that one of them is my pastor, and he let's his own daughter primp her hair and wear expensive clothing. WHAT!?!?! My grandma even said that she thought her hair was "too kinky." Her clothes even look more expensive than mine! What's his argument? The Bible says that "beauty is vain." So WHAT! Driving a car is vain! Sleeping is vain! Eating is vain! That doesn't stop your daughter from doing it. Jerk.
"Did God intend to treat the early church different than the latter church? Did He have two programs for the church? Are people being saved in a different way today than they were in the Bible? Are there two forms of Christianity: first-century, and every century after that? No." - Jason Dulle
So, a pentecostal girl should NOT be preached on because of how she styles her hair? Or if she wears stylish clothing?
If there's nothing wrong with it, then why do I feel like I am being preached on by it? By two of them!
Not every church, preacher or Pastor "preaches on" the same things. It may be that the church you go to or your Pastor is particularly more conservative in that area than others
And the thing that upsets me the most is that one of them is my pastor, and he let's his own daughter primp her hair and wear expensive clothing. WHAT!?!?!
If that is the case that's wrong. Does his daughter participate in services like play the piano or anything? Have you asked him why he preaches against X but his daughter gets away with X? Or maybe you might be misunderstanding what he is preaching on?
My grandma even said that she thought her hair was "too kinky." Her clothes even look more expensive than mine! What's his argument? The Bible says that "beauty is vain." So WHAT! Driving a car is vain! Sleeping is vain! Eating is vain! That doesn't stop your daughter from doing it. Jerk.
Ok...my advice is not to get mad, get even..no Just kidding! If beauty is vain and that's an argument for sin, then only butt ugly people will be in heaven....tell him you think he'll be all alone in heaven HAHAHAHA ..seriously now...
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.