Of course its not mocking, it's stating a truth of the apostolic doctrine! God in his wisdom saw fit to have a group of psuedo-pentecostals swallowed up by those standing for the truth! If their false doctrine had been worthwhile it would have survived the test of time. But it didn't! Like the book of Acts says, if it is of God nothing can stop it! Well, it wasn't of God and it was stopped!
It was not stopped, not at all. They simply left the UPC. Big, huge difference.
Good ol' Ferdando! You're right. Diversity makes a forum.
my friend, i did make a typo... it seems... so lets be clear.
debate is great. diversity does make a forum. you cannot have one without it.
but what it "means to be Apostolic" should NOT be up for debate.
NOT because I have a definition that I want used....I had no input on the forum rules that are clearly stated...
BUT because Apostolic needs to mean what it was intended to mean. the rules are clear enough and broad enough to include both you and I. And we ought to all be comfortable with that.
You and I dont agree on how one becomes saved, but by the defintion of the rules, I am perfectly fine with the idea that we are both Apostolic.
the forum has moved beyond this. that is the issue. it wont go back... at least I dont think it can.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Because they have been consistently forced out of orgs like the UPCI. In reality, if you could number the "PCI folks" and their descendants, they outnumber the UPCI. It's just that having been forced to seek fellowship elsewhere, many of their original Apostolic characteristics get watered down. This is unfortunate, IMHO.
Find me some evidence that anyone within the "PCI ranks" ever preached a "doctrine of confession-salvation." You see Opie, you make something up out of thin air and then cry out, "Where is it!?!"
You made it up, Opie. You simply made it up. That's "where it is."
My name isn't Opie. I'm sure you think its funny to call me that. Enjoy your laugh. The PCI believed in a doctrine that taught salvation that came at less than the full Acts 2:38 plan of salvation. I call it confession salvation, you can call it something else if you like. It still is what it is.
my friend, i did make a typo... it seems... so lets be clear.
debate is great. diversity does make a forum. you cannot have one without it.
but what it "means to be Apostolic" should NOT be up for debate.
NOT because I have a definition that I want used....I had no input on the forum rules that are clearly stated...
BUT because Apostolic needs to mean what it was intended to mean. the rules are clear enough and broad enough to include both you and I. And we ought to all be comfortable with that.
You and I dont agree on how one becomes saved, but by the defintion of the rules, I am perfectly fine with the idea that we are both Apostolic.
the forum has moved beyond this. that is the issue. it wont go back... at least I dont think it can.
And I disagree.
And if it wasn't for debate, those ideas articulated in your rule book wouldn't even be there. Thank God people disagree with your position and ignored sacred cows.
You beat me to it... LOL! Opie's repeated demonstrations of this kind of hypocrisy is why he hasn't posted for so long. He makes an angry clown out of himself, becomes disappointed with his own tone and drops out for months or even a year at a time.
Then, predictably, he begins to lurk again - not posting but grumbling to himself and muttering about the "compromise." Then, when he can't stand it any more he logs in and blows a gasket. Sorely wounded by loosing every debate, even the discussions about his own tone, he limps away to sulk and the cycle repeats itself.
Good to see you OP!
Your not even close to the facts of my history here. Not even close, yet you state it as fact. This is how you and others site the wonderful glorious history of the PCI. You make it up as you go and just assume things.
My name isn't Opie. I'm sure you think its funny to call me that. Enjoy your laugh. The PCI believed in a doctrine that taught salvation that came at less than the full Acts 2:38 plan of salvation. I call it confession salvation, you can call it something else if you like. It still is what it is.
They do it to everyone, and it usually an "ey" or "ie" added to the end. Don't take offense