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Old 07-20-2021, 11:07 PM
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Chris Reed Takes New Church


Charisma News

Prophetic Pastor Chris Reed to Succeed Rick Joyner as CEO of MorningStar Ministries
10:00AM EDT 5/28/2021 Shawn A. Akers
Pastor Chris Reed (YouTube / MorningStar Ministries)

Spiritually, MorningStar Ministries Founder Rick Joyner connected with Pastor Chris Reed right from the start. From the time the two met in the Spring of 2020, both realized they had the same ministry vision and the same vision for what God was going to do worldwide in the near future.

It comes as little surprise then that Reed, lead pastor of Apostolic Revival Center in Peru, Indiana, has agreed to take over as his Joyner's successor at MorningStar in Fort Mill, South Carolina, beginning at the end of June.

The two met through a mutual friend and Joyner knew immediately that Reed, who was chosen as the pastor at Apostolic Revival Center 12 years ago at the tender age of 25, was the man to hand the reins of his ministry to when he decided to step down.

"We hit it off right away. It was just a great connection," Reed says on a recent episode of the Strang Report podcast. "Rick and I just see eye to eye on so many things. He is a great spiritual father. His writings speak for themselves.

"But his style, his addressing of current events and what he loves, just fit my personality. Basically, for the rest of 2020 and into 2021, I was invited to speak at their conferences, including their advanced prophetic conferences. In the course of all of this, about three months ago, he and I sat down and just talked about what we envisioned God was doing in the future. We both felt like God was calling me there as to be his successor. We both just knew, and peace was the guide for me.

"And, of course, my wife and children were completely on board and so it was just that continuity of peace within our family. It's just a natural fit. Not only am I the right age to be his biological son, but certainly a spiritual son. I'm going to be working with him and training with him. However long this transition is, we're just going to let the Lord lead it."

Reed and his wife, Melissa, have six children.

Reed's extended family has been involved in the Pentecostal movement since the 1930s. After receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit at eight, Reed felt the call to minister at 12 and he began accepting invitations to speak for the Lord at 15. At 19, he began serving as an assistant/associate pastor while simultaneously evangelizing and speaking at more than 200 churches, revivals and crusades.

He took over as the lead pastor at Apostolic Revival Center in 2009 and, since that time, hundreds have been baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Reed is a young prophet that has caught the attention of people like IHOPKC's Mike Bickle. Joyner designated Reed as his successor in the same way that Daniel Kolenda succeeded Reinhard Bonnke at Christ for all Nations in Orlando, Florida.

Reed says he has already made numerous visits to MorningStar and has familiarized himself with the inner workings of the Joyner's prophetic ministry. Joyner's character and demeanor are other things that drew him to MorningStar.

"The thing that really impressed me the most is just the integrity and character of how things were done when I was there, and just how people treated one another and the sincerity," Reed says. "The thing I like about Rick, too, is something very important I've learned from him. In the last year, the way he has responded to conflict and criticism, to difficulty, is different than anyone I've ever met in my life. That has really stood out to me in a positive way—it has impacted me."

When fall rolls around, Reed says he and his team have big plans for MorningStar Ministries. He hopes to build an army—God's army—of prophetic voices to impact the nations.

"As far as our vision goes, in September, we plan to expand MorningStar University," Reed says. "I'm going to be doing a school of the prophets. Basically, what that consists of is every month for nine months starting in September, there will be a three-day intensive of me teaching all things prophetic. There are going to be people there in person, but they are also going to be able to participate online too.

"We're not trying to appeal to just anybody that's interested in prophecy. We are wanting to see God raise up a group of prophetic voices, not just one man standing out in a generation. We want a company of people with integrity, who know how to hear the voice of God and that can speak to social leaders, social media leaders and political leaders, just like in the Bible," Reed continues. "Daniel 5:12 spoke of how Daniel was learned in dreams and dream interpretation and knowledge and wisdom so much that Nebuchadnezzar listened to what he had to say in the same way Pharaoh did with Moses and Joseph. So, with this school of the prophets, I'm really excited.

"We're expecting tremendous things for MorningStar with its prophetic roots and it being a prophetic ministry," Reed says. "God is doing big things there. I know it's just going to become even more relevant as time goes on."
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Old 07-20-2021, 11:52 PM
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Re: Chris Reed Takes New Church

Most INSANE Barbie Jeep Racing of ALL TIME!!

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Last edited by Evang.Benincasa; 07-20-2021 at 11:55 PM.
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Old 07-21-2021, 12:05 AM
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Re: Chris Reed Takes New Church

“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”
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Old 07-21-2021, 07:27 AM
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Re: Chris Reed Takes New Church

At first glance very disappointing. Since I have prayed for the man at times I wont rule out God being involved.

Maybe theres more to the story? Maybe Joyner has accepted baptism into the name of Jesus? Acts 2:38 as the new birth? Reed has also been ministering at IHOP. Perhaps a breakthrough of Oneness truth is on the horizon?

If not it means the lure of fame and money has prevailed over the love of the truth in his life.
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Old 07-21-2021, 08:12 AM
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Re: Chris Reed Takes New Church

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
At first glance very disappointing. Since I have prayed for the man at times I wont rule out God being involved.

Maybe theres more to the story? Maybe Joyner has accepted baptism into the name of Jesus? Acts 2:38 as the new birth? Reed has also been ministering at IHOP. Perhaps a breakthrough of Oneness truth is on the horizon?

If not it means the lure of fame and money has prevailed over the love of the truth in his life.
Apparently Reed and Joyner have been buddies for a loooong time.

Also, Reed has been the subject of more than one Charisma article and has been on Morningstar numerous times before this. So this has been in the works for some time.

What's funny to me is Reed is a literal who (I never heard of the guy before brother Blume started talking about him here on AFF).
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Old 07-21-2021, 08:38 AM
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Re: Chris Reed Takes New Church

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
At first glance very disappointing. Since I have prayed for the man at times I wont rule out God being involved.

Maybe theres more to the story? Maybe Joyner has accepted baptism into the name of Jesus? Acts 2:38 as the new birth? Reed has also been ministering at IHOP. Perhaps a breakthrough of Oneness truth is on the horizon?

If not it means the lure of fame and money has prevailed over the love of the truth in his life.
Yes, a breakthrough! Just like the one that came when TD Jakes and Paula White went onto TBN….
Ahhh and Tommy Tenney, then his dad….
And there’s Philips, Craig, and Dean…
And what about Tony Suarez who posted here a few times…
And Mangun..,:

And every other OP that associates with big wig heretics.
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”
-Homer Simpson//
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Old 07-21-2021, 10:00 AM
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Re: Chris Reed Takes New Church

Originally Posted by diakonos View Post
Yes, a breakthrough! Just like the one that came when TD Jakes and Paula White went onto TBN….
Ahhh and Tommy Tenney, then his dad….
And there’s Philips, Craig, and Dean…
And what about Tony Suarez who posted here a few times…
And Mangun..,:

And every other OP that associates with big wig heretics.
Well cant argue with that. Nonetheless I will continue to hope until I see how it works out.
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Old 07-21-2021, 10:52 AM
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Re: Chris Reed Takes New Church

Originally Posted by diakonos View Post
Yes, a breakthrough! Just like the one that came when TD Jakes and Paula White went onto TBN….
Ahhh and Tommy Tenney, then his dad….
And there’s Philips, Craig, and Dean…
And what about Tony Suarez who posted here a few times…
And Mangun..,:

And every other OP that associates with big wig heretics.
All of these guys want to be rock stars. They love to be seen of men, and hear the screams of the crowds. I know Chris Reed from years ago. I've watched his evolution. Like Jesus said, he already has his reward. Pretty much, that all these guys want, their cake, and they are eating it now. So, let them continue with their insane Barbie Jeep Racing!!!!
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 07-21-2021, 01:05 PM
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Re: Chris Reed Takes New Church

But at least he didn't miss it on Pennsylvania. ...........
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Old 07-21-2021, 01:33 PM
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Re: Chris Reed Takes New Church

Originally Posted by mont.preterist View Post
But at least he didn't miss it on Pennsylvania. ...........
Please tell me how?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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