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Old 12-04-2014, 09:25 AM
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Saddened by NY Grand Jury Decision To NOT Indict

There is a lot in the news lately concerning black males meeting their deaths at the hands of white cops.

A lot of it sensational, but the sad truths in these stories don't change, despite the sensationalism and misplaced anger.

Still I find myself truly affected, saddened, by the NY Grand Jury decision to not indict Officer Pantaleo for the chokehold he put on civilian Eric Garner-- a chokehold that led to his death.

Even as his life was leaving his body, they stood next to him on the street, doing nothing and Eric Garner died at their feet, in broad daylight.

There is probably more that I am not aware of concerning this case.

Eric Garner was probably a repeat offender of selling individual cigarrettes, not that this, or anything else that could come to light, would make it worth while for the police to take his life.

The pattern of police abusing their power with Black males in America is complicated, but nonetheless, a pattern.

In the case of Eric Garner, I am shocked and saddened for him and for those who did love him.

I hope that the Attorney General can find some annomaly, some way, to get Officer Pantaleo-- Eric Garner's blood cries for justice.

My heart breaks for the injustice.
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Old 12-04-2014, 10:42 AM
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Re: Saddened by NY Grand Jury Decision To NOT Indi

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
There is a lot in the news lately concerning black males meeting their deaths at the hands of white cops.

A lot of it sensational, but the sad truths in these stories don't change, despite the sensationalism and misplaced anger.

Still I find myself truly affected, saddened, by the NY Grand Jury decision to not indict Officer Pantaleo for the chokehold he put on civilian Eric Garner-- a chokehold that led to his death.

Even as his life was leaving his body, they stood next to him on the street, doing nothing and Eric Garner died at their feet, in broad daylight.

There is probably more that I am not aware of concerning this case.

Eric Garner was probably a repeat offender of selling individual cigarrettes, not that this, or anything else that could come to light, would make it worth while for the police to take his life.

The pattern of police abusing their power with Black males in America is complicated, but nonetheless, a pattern.

In the case of Eric Garner, I am shocked and saddened for him and for those who did love him.

I hope that the Attorney General can find some annomaly, some way, to get Officer Pantaleo-- Eric Garner's blood cries for justice.

My heart breaks for the injustice.
Cops don't just abuse black men, they abuse everyone unjustly.
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Old 12-04-2014, 10:45 AM
FalseFreedom FalseFreedom is offline
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Re: Saddened by NY Grand Jury Decision To NOT Indi

I really do not know enough about the case to have a respected opinion, however, I do believe that "officers" continually take liberty from the people and they do this casually. I have not even seen the footage of the altercation or have even the slightest understanding of what led up to the chokehold. It is always easy to see the injustice in cases like this. We must also be mindful of our decisions to avoid these altercations and how they will effect future situations involving officers and criminals.

What I mean by this is, what if the result of this particular case concludes in a criminal merely having to say the words "I can't Breath" and all officers MUST stop and let loose. What if senseless deaths of officers result in a changing of how criminals are detained etc... this truly is a balancing act.

What troubles me is this; our society in America has rapidly become a cesspool. the youth is overly narcissistic and entitled and anything consisting of punishment is out of the question (until it has to do with anything that directly affects them) because who can infringe upon my rights to do whatever I want !!!?

All deaths involving black people committing crimes are injustice! seriously? wake up people This is nothing short of sensationalism played out by the media and leftist liberal groups taking yet another foothold on the ear of Americans. This is an attack on the mind of the American people creating some sort racial based conspiracy in order to fuel political machines on the upcoming elections.

Where is the concern with the black on white crimes that escalated since these two cases (ferguson and NY)? The blacks in these areas continue to be lawless in the areas in which they live. Most of these lawless people only see an opportunity to steal, rape, maim, kill and in some twisted way justify it.

I too am saddened by the results of this decision not to indict... but it is the American people that should be held on trial!

More on that later...
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Old 12-04-2014, 01:56 PM
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Re: Saddened by NY Grand Jury Decision To NOT Indi

"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
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Old 12-04-2014, 02:40 PM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: Saddened by NY Grand Jury Decision To NOT Indi

JD - Unlike the Ferguson case, I have not read myself any of the testimony or statements from witnesses. So, what I repeat here is what I have heard. I have seen the video, several times.
1. According to most the "chokehold" was not a chokehold as defined by the state of New York or the NYPD.
2. Garners death was due to several reasons, not just the chokehold.
3. The "chokehold" cop was the only one under the threat of indictment, as the others were given immunity

All this make it seem somewhat fishy, to me.
Now for the pot-stirring part.

1. Garner was verbally aggressive with the cops. And whether justified or not, that is not the way to make friends and influence people.
2. He was non-compliant to the cops orders when they wanted to arrest him.

Insofar as to police targeting people, I have had between 25-30 encounters with law enforcement in my life.
Seems like I may have been profiled, but,
I have two tickets to show for it. And no arrest...
Why? Because I am the most truthful and compliant guy around when dealing with a cop.
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Old 12-04-2014, 03:01 PM
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Re: Saddened by NY Grand Jury Decision To NOT Indi

IMO the man was killed. I dont think the cops meant it to be that way......yet they killed him over the smallest thing. If nothing else it qualifies for manslaughter.
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Old 12-04-2014, 03:29 PM
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Re: Saddened by NY Grand Jury Decision To NOT Indi

Originally Posted by BrotherEastman View Post
Cops don't just abuse black men, they abuse everyone unjustly.
Exactly! I have been noticing for a long time about out of control cops! Many situations are happening where abuse takes place. Do I hate cops? Of course not my son in law is a deputy sheriff. We need them. Yet the abuse must be reigned in.
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Old 12-04-2014, 06:50 PM
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Re: Saddened by NY Grand Jury Decision To NOT Indi

If one doesn't know the facts as presented to the grand jury, it is impossible to make an informed decision based on the media's angle. One thing is for sure though, in both these high profile cases, the dead young men did not obey the laws and resisted arrest, which is what ultimately led to their deaths. My big concern is the mood is swinging in favor of allowing the scofflaws to continue to do as they please, which will lead to more crimes committed by the criminal element if there is no fear or concern on being apprehended.
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Old 12-04-2014, 07:50 PM
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Re: Saddened by NY Grand Jury Decision To NOT Indi

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
There is a lot in the news lately concerning black males meeting their deaths at the hands of white cops.

A lot of it sensational, but the sad truths in these stories don't change, despite the sensationalism and misplaced anger.

Still I find myself truly affected, saddened, by the NY Grand Jury decision to not indict Officer Pantaleo for the chokehold he put on civilian Eric Garner-- a chokehold that led to his death.

Even as his life was leaving his body, they stood next to him on the street, doing nothing and Eric Garner died at their feet, in broad daylight.

There is probably more that I am not aware of concerning this case.

Eric Garner was probably a repeat offender of selling individual cigarrettes, not that this, or anything else that could come to light, would make it worth while for the police to take his life.

The pattern of police abusing their power with Black males in America is complicated, but nonetheless, a pattern.

In the case of Eric Garner, I am shocked and saddened for him and for those who did love him.

I hope that the Attorney General can find some annomaly, some way, to get Officer Pantaleo-- Eric Garner's blood cries for justice.

My heart breaks for the injustice.
Some thoughts

First of all the GJ saw all the evidence. The angry people did not

He was belligerent from the get go, combative with the police by arguing and then he resisted arrest.

I don't know if this cop attempted a choke hold or not but the man was not complaining until only after he was on the ground and on his chest

It may be the cop was trying to restrain him and in the process of rolling over his arm compressed against the wind pipe

However these sorts of things happen without malice. Some people die from tazers...yet people were asking why don't cops just taze these guys?

If they did and the man dies , then cops would still be criticized

A cop shot a black man recently and it was caught on dash cam and the police man was prosecuted so people are over generalizing that justice is never served

Anyone that WANTS someone to be guilty does not believe in justice. They believe in an emotionally driven vigilante system and to have that is to throw our entire country into Chaos...You HOPE the AG can find an anomaly?

I HOPE people can check their emotions and look at the facts, not what the angry crowd says.

With the current state of affairs, if I was a cop I would quit. I would be afraid to defend myself vs a suspect. If i was a young person I would NEVER consider becoming a police officer...all because of the emotional questioning of what really happened
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Old 12-04-2014, 10:38 PM
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Re: Saddened by NY Grand Jury Decision To NOT Indi

11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

Sources in the mainstream media expressed outrage after a grand jury declined to indict a New York City policeman in the death of Eric Garner, but there are 11 significant facts that many of them have chosen to overlook:

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