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Old 09-13-2013, 06:11 PM
Sister Alvear's Avatar
Sister Alvear Sister Alvear is offline
Sister Alvear

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Brazil, SA
Posts: 27,038
more news from the Alvear's

Dear friends in the homeland:

Sweetest greetings in the precious name of our sweet Lord.

We have traveled several thousand miles here in Brazil since our last monthly letter including a trip to south central Brazil then on down to the convention in Mato Grosso do Sul. It had been several years since I had been there so words cannot describe how happy I was to see them once again. We also visited a far distant new church right on the Parana boarder Bataguaçu. Oh, how good God is to protect us miles and miles on many dangerous roads.

We also traveled with our daughter in law to the ladies conference in the city of Jales. That is about 6 hours or so from Brother Raul Jr’s place and also visited the pastor and his family from the Fernandopolis area.

At this writing we just got back to Maceio, (our home) and will be in special services this weekend at one of our village churches that is having their anniversary services then on Thursday fly out to the state of Ceara for special services there. Our days and nights are full pressing on for Jesus! In the mist of it all I have had pneumonia!

Between our traveling’s as some of you know Brother Alvear had 4 small surgeries in his mouth. However he is doing much better. God is good!

Missionary Raul Alvear Jr. has caught a vision for limitless revival and is witnessing an explosive resurgence of Acts chapter two power. Every Sunday night they tightly pack into their largest building: the headquarters church in Campinas, São Paulo. Because they have filled their current building past its capacity they have stepped out in faith and begun tearing down walls in efforts to expand. The church is in a key location so he is very blessed.
We have also been in a prolonged building project due to a lack of funds building a very large tabernacle for future conferences, conventions, and seminars to bypass having to rent something big enough to serve their large gatherings.

North Brazil- Jungle Region
A little over five years ago God called Native Missionary Arlei Alvear and his family to the lower basin of the Amazon: Maranhão and Pará. This family’s work for God began in a small city near the jungle. Today, God has increased and blessed the work of their hands. In the time since they began, they have built five churches, they have a small tabernacle and several preaching points, and they are engaged in a building program in the jungle. God has also blessed them with 2 wonderful children that are themselves very active in the music ministry.
Recently they have made inroads in the backlands considered Indian territory where they have given away thousands of Bibles in the Guajajara language. To the glory of God, he is slowly winning these tribes to our Lord.
Next Sunday he will be preaching in a village where the Indians killed almost 200 people.In Alto Alegre. Maranhao

His work is dangerous but he is involved in the noble task of helping reach every tribe with the gospel. We are glad that our son is involved in missions in one of the most forgotten areas of Brazil!

Northeast Brazil
Brother Michael Alvear is pastoring and overseeing the Maceió headquarters church and 12 other works. Presently, they are involved in weekly outreaches and feeding the poor. He is in the process of completing a three-story building including a total of 16 dorms with baths. This building will serve for a future training center for the saints in the Northeast.

We are preparing for our Oct. Children’s outreach. Once again I ask if anyone could help on this project the children of Brazil would be greatly blessed. Last year we were able to reach over 1000 children! We have many activities for the children, presents, mostly balls for the boys and dolls for the girls, and always a special program with children singing and many have come to the Lord. Many parents are also reached during this time. If you would like to help us as some have already asked us about this year you may do so by sending your offering earmarked for children’s outreach. You can even e mail me to let me know what is coming and even if it is late we can go ahead and get things and pay later. Thank God for good friends on both sides of the ocean!

We pray that God richly bless you precious homeland supporters.
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.

If it is for one of our direct needs please mark it on the check.
Facebook Janice LaVaun Taylor Alvear
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