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Old 05-03-2011, 09:34 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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THANK GOD 4 Bush Policy of Enhanced Interrogation

As more information about Sunday's mission that led to the death of OBL and the extraction of his body, we are finding out that the seeds for it were sown through the enhanced interrogations of Khaled Sheik Mohammed and other detainees at Gitmo. KSM identified that OBL had a courier and gave up some names during the Bush years that eventually led to identifying the courier that led to finding OBL's hideout.

Bush was under a lot of criticism and pressure from liberal and media elites to discontinue waterboarding and other methods of interrogation that were labeled as "below who we are" as a nation. There was no proof that these methods posed any real danger to the physical health of those who were interrogated. Yet Bush critics couldn't say enough to continue the drumbeat against such tactics.

One thing that I loved about Bush was he would stick to his guns when he felt that what he was doing was right for the country. I didn't agree with a lot of the domestic and fiscal policies of the Bush years, but the War on Terror was well executed. I'm thankful Bush didn't cave to the PC crowd and kept the pressure on the terrorists and their leaders and the detainees.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 05-03-2011, 11:11 AM
sandie sandie is offline
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Re: THANK GOD 4 Bush Policy of Enhanced Interrogat

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
As more information about Sunday's mission that led to the death of OBL and the extraction of his body, we are finding out that the seeds for it were sown through the enhanced interrogations of Khaled Sheik Mohammed and other detainees at Gitmo. KSM identified that OBL had a courier and gave up some names during the Bush years that eventually led to identifying the courier that led to finding OBL's hideout.

Bush was under a lot of criticism and pressure from liberal and media elites to discontinue waterboarding and other methods of interrogation that were labeled as "below who we are" as a nation. There was no proof that these methods posed any real danger to the physical health of those who were interrogated. Yet Bush critics couldn't say enough to continue the drumbeat against such tactics.

One thing that I loved about Bush was he would stick to his guns when he felt that what he was doing was right for the country. I didn't agree with a lot of the domestic and fiscal policies of the Bush years, but the War on Terror was well executed. I'm thankful Bush didn't cave to the PC crowd and kept the pressure on the terrorists and their leaders and the detainees.
If the PC crowd wants to know what real "enhanced interrogation" looks like, maybe they should check out the photos of what terrorists do to those they capture. Headless bodies vs. a wet face. Cry me a river.
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Old 05-03-2011, 12:01 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: THANK GOD 4 Bush Policy of Enhanced Interrogat

We will not torture (call it something else)\
Close Guatanamo
Review and terror trials

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Old 05-03-2011, 12:33 PM
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Re: THANK GOD 4 Bush Policy of Enhanced Interrogat

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
We will not torture (call it something else)\
Close Guatanamo
Review and terror trials

We will send a Navy Seals team to shoot them between the eyes, but we will not torture!!!

I don't believe we should "torture", but there are methods to extract information without risk of their lives. We are held to a higher standard, and that is as it should be, but there is a season for more desperate measures. Evil men should be treated as what they are, terrorists, they are not POWs.

The Muslim burial was ridiculous, and if I were a peaceful Muslim I would be offended that OBL was treated as a believer in my religion. Wrap him and give him a decent burial but leave off any religious rites.
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)

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Old 05-03-2011, 01:10 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: THANK GOD 4 Bush Policy of Enhanced Interrogat

Please get this out ASAP. Want specific people to know we know.

RE Osama Bin Laden. Significant push to take him out months ago. Senior WH staff resisted. This was cause of much strain between HC and Obama/Jarrett. HC and LP were in constant communication over matter – both attempted to convince administration to act. Administration feared failure and resulting negative impact on president. Intel disgusted over politics over national security. Staff resigned/left. Check timeline to corroborate.

Now Intel already leaking to media facts surrounding how info obtained. Namely from enhanced interrogation efforts via GITMO prisoners. Obama administration placed in corner on this. Some media aware of danger to president RE this and attempting protection. Others looking for further investigation. We are pushing for them to follow through and already meeting with some access.
Point of determination made FOR Obama not BY Obama. Will clarify as details become more clear. Very clear divide between Military and WH. Jarrett marginalized 100% on decision to take out OBL. She played no part. BD worked with LP and HC to form coalition to force CoC to engage.

IMPORTANT SPECIFIC: When 48 hour go order issued, CoC was told, not requested. Administration scrambled to abort. That order was overruled. This order did not originate from CoC. Repeat – this order did not originate from CoC. He complied, but did not originate.

Independent military contacts have confirmed. Stories corroborate one another. This is legit.

The killing of Osama Bin Laden was in fact a Coup within Obama WH.

Speaking with additional contacts RE info.

Stay safe.
Obama pushed for a long time against taking OBL. Now of ocurse he is the hero and takes credit for it.
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Old 05-03-2011, 01:36 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: THANK GOD 4 Bush Policy of Enhanced Interrogat

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
As more information about Sunday's mission that led to the death of OBL and the extraction of his body, we are finding out that the seeds for it were sown through the enhanced interrogations of Khaled Sheik Mohammed and other detainees at Gitmo. KSM identified that OBL had a courier and gave up some names during the Bush years that eventually led to identifying the courier that led to finding OBL's hideout.

Bush was under a lot of criticism and pressure from liberal and media elites to discontinue waterboarding and other methods of interrogation that were labeled as "below who we are" as a nation. There was no proof that these methods posed any real danger to the physical health of those who were interrogated. Yet Bush critics couldn't say enough to continue the drumbeat against such tactics.

One thing that I loved about Bush was he would stick to his guns when he felt that what he was doing was right for the country. I didn't agree with a lot of the domestic and fiscal policies of the Bush years, but the War on Terror was well executed. I'm thankful Bush didn't cave to the PC crowd and kept the pressure on the terrorists and their leaders and the detainees.
What about Pat Tillman? What about WMD's? What happened to Colin Powell? What about when Bush boasted, "Mission Accomplished"?



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Old 05-03-2011, 03:13 PM
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Re: THANK GOD 4 Bush Policy of Enhanced Interrogat

Some republicans will do and say anything to try to take the credit away from a remarkable President that gave the order to the Navy Seals to get Osama bin Laden....It just won't work, we know the truth. Nothing done by the Bush Admin. had anything to do with the way President Obama and the Navy Seals got the mission completed. The only thing that GWB done was got the USA in a terrible economy situation, which has just about destroyed the USA financially. If he had went after Osama bin Laden and left Iraq alone, he then would have gotten the right one a long time ago.
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Old 05-03-2011, 03:23 PM
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Re: THANK GOD 4 Bush Policy of Enhanced Interrogat

Originally Posted by Seascapes View Post
Some republicans will do and say anything to try to take the credit away from a remarkable President that gave the order to the Navy Seals to get Osama bin Laden....It just won't work, we know the truth. Nothing done by the Bush Admin. had anything to do with the way President Obama and the Navy Seals got the mission completed. The only thing that GWB done was got the USA in a terrible economy situation, which has just about destroyed the USA financially. If he had went after Osama bin Laden and left Iraq alone, he then would have gotten the right one a long time ago.
Obama has had plenty of time to correct the economy. Now he owns it. No more blame game. It's over.
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Old 05-03-2011, 04:14 PM
canam canam is offline
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Re: THANK GOD 4 Bush Policy of Enhanced Interrogat

Originally Posted by Seascapes View Post
Some republicans will do and say anything to try to take the credit away from a remarkable President that gave the order to the Navy Seals to get Osama bin Laden....It just won't work, we know the truth. Nothing done by the Bush Admin. had anything to do with the way President Obama and the Navy Seals got the mission completed. The only thing that GWB done was got the USA in a terrible economy situation, which has just about destroyed the USA financially. If he had went after Osama bin Laden and left Iraq alone, he then would have gotten the right one a long time ago.
The only thing Barwreck did was not, somehow screw up the mission,that was started in 2003 and only continued because Bush ordered all info turned over to BO admin. unlike Clintons people who in a final hissy fit, removed all the W's on every keyboard in the WH. I suspect BO's people will just take the whole keyboard next year and then one of em will get a grant to replace em all.
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Old 05-03-2011, 06:47 PM
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Re: THANK GOD 4 Bush Policy of Enhanced Interrogat

Why isn't seascape, (excuse me that should be a capital Seascape) in Washington in Obama's administration? She would be an awesome asset to his crew! She thinks just like some of them!

Been Thinkin
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