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Old 01-19-2009, 07:20 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Lightbulb How long would AFF survive if like JP...

everyone would post under their given name? It is easy for many of us to post things we woudn't have the audacity to post if people truly knew who we were.

I think it ironic that one of the rules for joining JP is that you post under your true given name but those same people post here under psuedo names to cause trouble, illicit offense, and to call out those who disagree with them.

I am not asking for a change of policy because there are some very good reasons for some to not disclose their identity...especially those who post against the staus quo of the organization they are associated with. But I ask that everyone who post to keep in mind, that while people don't know who you are...God does.

Think about:
* What is your purpose for remaining anonymous?
* Would you post what you are going to post if everyone knew who you were? If not maybe you shouldn't post it.
* What angers you the most about certain posters,i.e., their personality? Because they challenge your belief system? Because you have the same questions but were taught not to question?
* Can you love those who disagree with you?

Just something to think about...again.

Blessings, Rhonda R. Cyprus [Rhoni]
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Old 01-19-2009, 07:25 AM
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Re: How long would AFF survive if like JP...

Perhaps they don't want random people calling their pastor?
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Old 01-19-2009, 07:28 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: How long would AFF survive if like JP...

Originally Posted by seguidordejesus View Post
Perhaps they don't want random people calling their pastor?
I think I and my former Pastor have withstood the pressure. A secure Pastor wouldn't give place to such a frivilous phone call. But I agree that that is an issue.

Thank you for replying.
Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 01-19-2009, 07:49 AM
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Re: How long would AFF survive if like JP...

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
everyone would post under their given name? It is easy for many of us to post things we woudn't have the audacity to post if people truly knew who we were.

I think it ironic that one of the rules for joining JP is that you post under your true given name but those same people post here under psuedo names to cause trouble, illicit offense, and to call out those who disagree with them.

I am not asking for a change of policy because there are some very good reasons for some to not disclose their identity...especially those who post against the staus quo of the organization they are associated with. But I ask that everyone who post to keep in mind, that while people don't know who you are...God does.

Think about:
* What is your purpose for remaining anonymous?
* Would you post what you are going to post if everyone knew who you were? If not maybe you shouldn't post it.
* What angers you the most about certain posters,i.e., their personality? Because they challenge your belief system? Because you have the same questions but were taught not to question?
* Can you love those who disagree with you?

Just something to think about...again.

Blessings, Rhonda R. Cyprus [Rhoni]

I do believe we answer to God for what we say--and write, whether it's under our real name or not. However, I do appreciate the anonymity that I have (although many people do know my real name anyway). My main reason for using a pseudonym was so I could post anything that comes to mind, even if it isn't entirely in line with what my pastor or local church believes. (Without embarrassing anyone or getting anyone into "trouble")

I have never felt bad toward anyone simply because they disagreed with me. Personalities come through, even though they're in print, and there can still be personality clashes on a board like this. Some folks just get on other folks' nerves, plain and simple.

As for whether I would post the same--I used my real name and picture on the GNC for a good while, and I don't think I posted any differently than I have here, although obviously the GNC is a different atmosphere and format.

I talk about things with my husband or my friends the same way I do here. I express many of the same opinions, but obviously depending on the audience, I may be more guarded around some people than others. The main point is, though, I have been careful on these forums to never say anything I wouldn't mind owning up to in real life, and I have no problem standing by any of my posts.

If I've written anything offensive, it's probably because I've already decided that I'm okay with taking the heat for it, would it ever come to that.

Anonymity should be protected. Personally, I think the JP rule about using real names is a silly one, and I know at least one person who has already been the brunt of heavy handed tactics because he used his real name and gave his enemies an advantage. Too bad that there are people like that online--but there are. So I choose to share my real identity cautiously and at my discretion. If someone wants to share their name, address, phone number and zip code, that's their business, but there's also nothing wrong with just posting your opinions and nothing else.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone

"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
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--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
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Old 01-19-2009, 07:56 AM
Bullwinkle Bullwinkle is offline
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Re: How long would AFF survive if like JP...

As the subject of Rhoni's ire today I must ask - just what is JP?
Who called who's pastor?
I'm relatively anonymous because I can be.
I post occasionally because I am like a moth drawn to the flame. I know it will end badly but ....
What irritates me the most (anger is too strong a word) about certain posters is the level of narcissism. Emotional exhibitionism is particularly grating.
Before I get pseudopsychoanalyzed by a few snippets on the internet as some kind of misanthropic woman hating power hungry authoritarian male without the qualifications to drive a garbage truck, let me bid you a wonderful day.
Sincerely not yours,
Bull J. Winkle
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Old 01-19-2009, 08:10 AM
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Re: How long would AFF survive if like JP...

There is an element within Pentecostal/Apostolic circles that thrive on bullying tactics and intimidation. They are so accustomed to always getting their way that they don't even recognize their deceit for what it is. That whole Resolution #2 mess from 1992 is one example.

When would a Christian organization give in to such measures and open deceit? Two lies were openly told right from the platform to the assembled ministers and the ministers went along without even questioning until it was too late. It's embarassing for me to admit that I was ever part of an organization that lacked the courage to stand up to such tactics... calling their own brethren "vile filth..." and "excrement..." and then sitting around snickering at their own lewd jokes. I have been continually disappointed with many in the "JP" crowd that you refer to.
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Old 01-19-2009, 08:12 AM
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Re: How long would AFF survive if like JP...

I am as aware of the words I use as a fairly anonymous individual as I would be were I using my actual name because I have one from whom I cannot hide my identity who knows my every post, word and thought. What he thinks about my thoughts, words and deeds drives every moment of my day.

I remain anonymous because, frankly, some people are just nuts and most of them hang around on the internet or on the back porch of their single wide drinking beer and sporting a sweet mullet. LOL

How many times have we all had our posts taken incorrectly and a big flaming post was then made against us. We then had to explain that this isn't what was meant and even then they didn't accept it.

Anonymity keeps the turmoil people can cause me to the realms of the internet.

But, I must say, that the damage people can do is a minimal thing... but a very real thing. I am mostly anonymous because this (Along with Browser8 on some other forums and a short stint as CanIGetBackWithYouOnThat) is my online moniker and I have grown used to it.

If I posted under my real name then for many on here those posts would then hide my identity of D4T from them and they would not even know it was me. Bruahahahahahahaha
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Old 01-19-2009, 08:18 AM
Maple Leaf Maple Leaf is offline
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Re: How long would AFF survive if like JP...

Originally Posted by Bullwinkle View Post
As the subject of Rhoni's ire today I must ask - just what is JP?
Who called who's pastor?
I was involved in the initial "calling the pastor" skirmish thread, and, to be completely honest, I'm not sure that it ever even happened. "Berkeley" admitted to emailing Rhoni's pastor, but I've never known who, if anybody, called her pastor. Up to this point, it seems like an urban legend to me.

As for the rest of your post, you're on your own.
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Old 01-19-2009, 08:18 AM
Bullwinkle Bullwinkle is offline
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Re: How long would AFF survive if like JP...

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
There is an element within Pentecostal/Apostolic circles that thrive on bullying tactics and intimidation. They are so accustomed to always getting their way that they don't even recognize their deceit for what it is. That whole Resolution #2 mess from 1992 is one example.

When would a Christian organization give in to such measures and open deceit? Two lies were openly told right from the platform to the assembled ministers and the ministers went along without even questioning until it was too late. It's embarassing for me to admit that I was ever part of an organization that lacked the courage to stand up to such tactics... calling their own brethren "vile filth..." and "excrement..." and then sitting around snickering at their own lewd jokes. I have been continually disappointed with many in the "JP" crowd that you refer to.
Nice rant! Not really on topic but nice rant anyway.
There's this nifty online therapist who may be able to help....
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Old 01-19-2009, 08:20 AM
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Re: How long would AFF survive if like JP...

Originally Posted by Bullwinkle View Post
As the subject of Rhoni's ire today I must ask - just what is JP?
Who called who's pastor?
I'm relatively anonymous because I can be.
I post occasionally because I am like a moth drawn to the flame. I know it will end badly but ....
What irritates me the most (anger is too strong a word) about certain posters is the level of narcissism. Emotional exhibitionism is particularly grating.
Before I get pseudopsychoanalyzed by a few snippets on the internet as some kind of misanthropic woman hating power hungry authoritarian male without the qualifications to drive a garbage truck, let me bid you a wonderful day.
Sincerely not yours,
Bull J. Winkle

"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone

"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."

--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
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