Originally Posted by Steadfast
I would somehow never have put Falla and Crakjac as being in the same family... learn something new every day!
Bro. Steadfast,
You should meet the other nine! When we eleven siblings get together
at our Annual Blakey Family Reunion each Memorial Day in memory of our
late parents. There were over 110 present this year, most of which were
we eleven, our children and grandchildren. Our parents who married in
1937, have direct descendants of almost 100 now. That is Mom and Dad,
their eleven children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and there are
two great-great grandchildren. From two mothers, our maternal and our
paternal grandmother, came a son and a daughter. These two mothers
both received the Holy Ghost in the mid 30's, and their two children also
received it during that time. Those two young people, children of the
Great Depression, married and brought up their children in the fear and
admonition of the Lord. They "trained up their children in the way they
should go". There is a promise attached to that scripture. Regardless of
how it may seem, not any of us knows what we will go through before
our end comes. We have had "hard trials" of different kinds. Many would
have perhaps fallen by the wayside long ago. We could tell you a few.
In reading the 11th chapter of Hebrews, those people of faith went
through many trials and tests. We saw faith lived out in our home for
over 50 yrs. On our Dad's deathbed, he was heard to say while seemingly
"out of it", "They are everyone going to make it". Dad and Mom invested
everything they had and were into their eleven children and in a work that
still stands today and is church home to twenty something of my own
children and grandchildren.
When we eleven siblings get together for our reunions, we are a force
to be reckoned with. There is so much love one to another and although
we are individuals and don't agree on everything (does anyone), we have
respect and love for each other and each other's families. We have shown
and continue to show our children and grandchildren how to love one
another and respect each other. We don't argue and fuss with each other.
We are all adults on a journey. If two are better than one, what can eleven
or nearly an hundred do. As we travel on this journey we can help each
other make it. The elder John said if we say we love God and hate our
brother, we are a liar. How can we say we love God who we have not seen
when we don't love our brother/sister who we have seen.
Bro. Steadfast, Brother, this is not anything toward what you said about
not putting Crakjak and me together. God did that a long time ago! As well
as the other nine! I am, in an older sister way, proud of each of my siblings.
I know them. I love them. We are going to meet Mom and Dad together,
and a host of others who greatly influenced us as youngsters. We eleven
know who they are. Made a difference in our young lives and later also.
We have been and continue to be SO blessed. You talk about prayer
support. When one of us gets ill or has a life-threatening situation, we
all, with our families, lift each other up in loving, heartfelt prayer. And
then there's the "effectual fervent (red-hot) prayers of a righteous man
and woman, who we called our parents, still availing much!!
Don't mess with one of we siblings or you'll have the whole pack on
![You are killing me!](images/smilies/killinme.gif)
![You are killing me!](images/smilies/killinme.gif)
Blessings on all the great people and posters on this forum!! We love
you too!
Just some expressions from the heart of an elder sister!