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Old 07-13-2007, 11:18 AM
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(My husband and kids know I am on here and they wonder why I want to be in a group that talks about, as they put it, "spiritual wierdness". )
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Old 07-13-2007, 11:48 AM

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Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
I know anonymity is vital for many on this forum ... for obvious and understandable reasons ...
among them privacy, the ability to speak freely w/o repercussion, personal choice, etc.

but I'll ask anyway ....

Does your Mommy know you are on AFF?

Seriously, do your family members ... mom, dad, spouse, kids, brothers and/or sisters...know you participate on this forum? How about your close friends?

What would they say about it? What would they say about the content? What would they say about your attitude?
Or even the time, effort and often the verbal jousting you engage in?

Does your pastor know and approve of your participation here? Has he visited the site? What does he think?

Pastor, does your flock know about your membership here? What would they say about your posting style? [/i]Most

Do you want them to know about us? Or do you think the level of discussion and polarity may not be healthy for them?
Depends - some are mature to handle different opinions, some are not

Do you think your immature saints would be somehow confused or tainted if they participated here?
Yes, I do believe that they would. Not that they necessarily would just have an opinion different than mine, but that there is some incredible diversity... I believe that some would lose much of the growth that they have had.

Does your District Superintendent know? What would he say?
Don't know... I can ask him next time I see him. I am certainly not hiding anything

Where we going???[i]... the scripture says ... Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men ..

Good questions though... I will read through the thread.
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Old 07-13-2007, 12:05 PM
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Care to expound on why some of our immature saints would lose their growth????
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Old 07-13-2007, 12:18 PM
Pragmatist Pragmatist is offline
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Originally Posted by commonsense View Post
My family members are all aware and none of them is concerned. It gives me an outlet for free expression.
I've not discussed it with my pastor. He uses the internet a lot and is probably on a pastors' forum.

It's non fattening even if is habit forming.
This is my mommy.
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Old 07-13-2007, 11:30 PM
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Bump ...
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Old 07-14-2007, 12:30 AM

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Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
Inside joke?
Somewhat. When I first joined the original FaithChildForum, I went by the name "hallowed wife". It was an email addy made up for me by my dear husband. He later joined FCF as "Hallowed Husband". I later left that name behind and simply posted under my own name. Our pastor friend, who would lurk but only posted 2 or 3 times, was on that board under a name we didn't recognize. Thus the funny surprise at District Conference when we were greeted with, "Hallowed by thy name."

Oh, and to answer the original question that started the thread:

Yes, my mommy and my dad both know that I am out here. Neither one of them have much use for internet forums.
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Old 07-14-2007, 12:31 AM

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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Hallowed was part of her old user name - - I believe it was Hallowed Wife or something like that!

Roxie was the first person that thumped me with her big ole Bible when I started posting on FCF.
What a blessing you did receive!
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Old 07-14-2007, 12:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
I know anonymity is vital for many on this forum ... for obvious and understandable reasons ...
among them privacy, the ability to speak freely w/o repercussion, personal choice, etc.

but I'll ask anyway ....

Does your Mommy know you are on AFF?

Seriously, do your family members ... mom, dad, spouse, kids, brothers and/or sisters...know you participate on this forum? How about your close friends?

What would they say about it? What would they say about the content? What would they say about your attitude?
Or even the time, effort and often the verbal jousting you engage in?

Does your pastor know and approve of your participation here? Has he visited the site? What does he think?

Pastor, does your flock know about your membership here? What would they say about your posting style?

Do you want them to know about us? Or do you think the level of discussion and polarity may not be healthy for them?

Do you think your immature saints would be somehow confused or tainted if they participated here?

Does your District Superintendent know? What would he say?

C'mon ... the scripture says ... Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men ..

If I yell really loud my mom might hear...she's dead.:sshhh
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Old 07-14-2007, 04:19 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
I know anonymity is vital for many on this forum ... for obvious and understandable reasons ...
among them privacy, the ability to speak freely w/o repercussion, personal choice, etc.

but I'll ask anyway ....

Does your Mommy know you are on AFF?

Seriously, do your family members ... mom, dad, spouse, kids, brothers and/or sisters...know you participate on this forum? How about your close friends?

What would they say about it? What would they say about the content? What would they say about your attitude?
Or even the time, effort and often the verbal jousting you engage in?

Does your pastor know and approve of your participation here? Has he visited the site? What does he think?

Pastor, does your flock know about your membership here? What would they say about your posting style?

Do you want them to know about us? Or do you think the level of discussion and polarity may not be healthy for them?

Do you think your immature saints would be somehow confused or tainted if they participated here?

Does your District Superintendent know? What would he say?

C'mon ... the scripture says ... Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men ..

My family knows I am on here and they check on me...I don't particularly care if they like it or not...I am sure my children do things I don't like many times, but I love them anyway.

Since I am an adult it matters not to me whether my Pastor likes it or not. It isn't any of his business.

As far as Pastors...I think they should be careful what they post here because they get caught up in and say things that are offensive and then ...but they are levelled on this forum and shouldn't expect any privileges.

Hey, this is worse than T.V. Get over the T.V. issue and people wouldn't have so much free time to post.:sshhh

Just being Rhoni today!
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Old 07-14-2007, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
My family knows I am on here and they check on me...I don't particularly care if they like it or not...I am sure my children do things I don't like many times, but I love them anyway.

Since I am an adult it matters not to me whether my Pastor likes it or not. It isn't any of his business.

As far as Pastors...I think they should be careful what they post here because they get caught up in and say things that are offensive and then ...but they are levelled on this forum and shouldn't expect any privileges.

Hey, this is worse than T.V. Get over the T.V. issue and people wouldn't have so much free time to post.:sshhh

Just being Rhoni today!
Yeah, I could tell! You tell it, girlfriend!
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