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SDG 07-12-2007 02:46 PM

Does your Mommy know you are on AFF?
I know anonymity is vital for many on this forum ... for obvious and understandable reasons ...
among them privacy, the ability to speak freely w/o repercussion, personal choice, etc.

but I'll ask anyway ....

Does your Mommy know you are on AFF?

Seriously, do your family members ... mom, dad, spouse, kids, brothers and/or sisters...know you participate on this forum? How about your close friends?

What would they say about it? What would they say about the content? What would they say about your attitude?
Or even the time, effort and often the verbal jousting you engage in?

Does your pastor know and approve of your participation here? Has he visited the site? What does he think?

Pastor, does your flock know about your membership here? What would they say about your posting style?

Do you want them to know about us? Or do you think the level of discussion and polarity may not be healthy for them?

Do you think your immature saints would be somehow confused or tainted if they participated here?

Does your District Superintendent know? What would he say?

C'mon ... the scripture says ... Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men ..


OP_Carl 07-12-2007 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea (Post 183150)

I say you've had too much caffeine for one day.

mizpeh 07-12-2007 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea (Post 183150)
I know anonymity is vital for many on this forum ... for obvious and understandable reasons ...
among them privacy, the ability to speak freely w/o repercussion, personal choice, etc.

but I'll ask anyway ....

Does your Mommy know you are on AFF?

Seriously, do your family members ... mom, dad, spouse, kids, brothers and/or sisters...know you participate on this forum? How about your close friends?

What would they say about it? What would they say about the content? What would they say about your attitude?
Or even the time, effort and often the verbal jousting you engage in?

Does your pastor know and approve of your participation here? Has he visited the site? What does he think?

Pastor, does your flock know about your membership here? What would they say about your posting style?

Do you want them to know about us? Or do you think the level of discussion and polarity may not be healthy for them?

Do you think your immature saints would be somehow confused or tainted if they participated here?

Does your District Superintendent know? What would he say?

C'mon ... the scripture says ... Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men ..


My pastor knows. My children know. Saints in my church know.

What do they say? Not much. This isn't my whole life.

I don't think born again saints should be here until they are rooted and established in the word. There are too many confusing voices.

BreakingFree 07-12-2007 03:44 PM

You have no idea how timely and hilarious this is right now. A few will know why . . .

And yes, my mommy knows. :-)

DividedThigh 07-12-2007 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by BreakingFree (Post 183259)
You have no idea how timely and hilarious this is right now. A few will know why . . .

And yes, my mommy knows. :-)

oh my god, what a sense of timeing, i am rolling in the floor laughing, good night, that is funny, i love it, and no she doesnt but i am a big boy now, lol, dt:killinme

chaotic_resolve 07-12-2007 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea (Post 183150)
Seriously, do your family members ... mom, dad, spouse, kids, brothers and/or sisters...know you participate on this forum? How about your close friends?

What would they say about it? What would they say about the content?

What would they say about your attitude?

Or even the time, effort and often the verbal jousting you engage in?

Yeah, my parents, brother and sister know I post on here. They would say, that's me. Though online it's harder to gauge emotions; and they'd say that even in disagreements I keep a smile.

JTullock knows me offline and we've our disagreements. *grin* We've been pretty tough with each other at times, but during and after it, we're still friends and I value his thoughts and opinions. (not sure if he values mine or not, but that's another story. :lol)


Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea (Post 183150)
Does your pastor know and approve of your participation here? Has he visited the site? What does he think?

Not sure if he knows or has visited. Pretty sure he's got more important things to do than police my internet activities.


Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea (Post 183150)
Does your District Superintendent know? What would he say?

Same as the above, except I'm not accountable to him, so I don't really care if he knows or what he'd say. Don't get me wrong, he's a good man, but since I'm not a licensed minister or holding office under him, I'm not too worried about his opinion.


rgcraig 07-12-2007 03:56 PM

My kids think I'm nuts for having online friends!

I've told them they should be glad or I'd be bugging them more!!!!

Glenda B 07-12-2007 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by DividedThigh (Post 183261)
oh my god, what a sense of timeing, i am rolling in the floor laughing, good night, that is funny, i love it, and no she doesnt but i am a big boy now, lol, dt:killinme

Cross your heart and hope to die, are you really and truely rolling on the floor laughing, or are you just saying that?

The Mrs 07-12-2007 05:23 PM

I think those two should let the rest of us in on the funny. :didimiss

Glenda B 07-12-2007 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by The Mrs (Post 183305)
I think those two should let the rest of us in on the funny. :didimiss

" UMMM HuuuuH" sounds like they got a secret. :winkgrin

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