Originally Posted by seguidordejesus
I would have been ok if just about anyone had said it, as long as they weren't being all white-hoodish about it. Some people just look for reasons to be offended.
AMEN AMEN and I've never found so many all in one place as
I have in the so-called CHURCH., especially the former but now
anti-Pentecost groupees, sad to say I have read their murmurings
in forums such as this one.
my fault.
As far as the topic, I also think that the fact that he mentioned
that he'd forgotten what RACE the pres. was, to ME..is more complimentary
than anything, for it means that he wasn't concerned with what race
the pres, or anyone for that matter, is. I think that attaining such an
attitude is awesome! I've had that always, so its nothing so marvelous
in my own life, its come easy-but for some, it takes WORK to develop
such a peace about life. WHATEVER IT TAKES, its worth it!
I pray for the day that COLOR or RACE no longer means a thing!
That it is not used as a basis for any prejudices of any kind.
I know that in this FLESH and this EARTH that will not happen.,
people with dark or stony hearts just won't let it rest.
A condition of REAL LOVE of people just doesn't let 'color' be
an issue whatsoever., people are far more than COLOR.