Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Your argument is bogus it didn't take Cornelius 40 years to get baptized or like these so-called moves where they never get baptized or embrace truth.
We really can't say they never came to the knowledge of baptism because we have no way of knowing how many may have come to be baptized because of an initial move of God on their life outside of our four walls.
I was sharing with someone just this morning that a woman I used to go to church with told me that she came to the Apostolic Church because she was first drawn to a move of God by listening and viewing...are you ready?! Kenneth Copeland!!
Yes sir, Eleanor's heart was pricked for more, and she found it, but the hunger began with a man's doctrine most here do not hold.
I am convinced a move of God can happen anywhere men and women are hungry.
Revival is not about a time or place or special speaker...revival can begin and end with one individual. It is really a heart thing, IMO...
This post really needs to be on the other thread and I am going to post it there as well...