Anger + Sadness = RAGE
The murder of Trayvon Martin and the situation surrounding the whole thing has put me in a place where I don't like being.
Sanford is the next city north of Orlando. It's about 30 minutes from my house.
What happened to that 17 year old could have happened to me. I wonder who would speak up for me should I become the murdered victim of wannabe cop that was bent on making sure that this time "I didn't get away." Not that I am guilty of doing anything, but because I looked "suspicious" walking home from store with a bag of skittles in my pocket and Arizona tea.
Honestly, I pray for justice to be brought to zimmerman, but I pray that prayer with rage and I know this rage has got to be dealt with in a positive way. It's difficult for me to not be enraged, knowing that in the country that I love and have defended and will defend again, today in America, I am witnessing a grave injustice.
I wish zimmerman could know what it is like to be profiled, hunted, and then killed-- just like he did that 17 year old KID.
I say KID purposely. zimmerman weighed at least 100 pounds more than his victim as he wrestled his victim to the ground, pointed a gun at him and murdered him at point blank range, eyeball to eyeball, just because Trayvon Martin looked "suspicious".
For this black man, I know all to well what the term "suspicious" really means for some people in our society.
Some people are saying race had nothing to do with this, but I don't see how anyone can see this incident and not acknowledge the race factor.
Then again, most of the people who "don't see race" won't see it any way. They are tired and weary of the false alarms and the stupidity, numb to injustice, convinced that we, as a nation, have arrived to some epithereal post-race place.
With heartache and sadness, I say, "No we haven't."
I ache on the inside for Trayvon Martin and his family. This incident has happened so close to me. So, so close to me.
I wish people would wake up! Our ears are heavy with the false accusations of the past!
Yet, it's in our America today that the innocent life of a boy was taken by a man-- not a man of the law, but a man flesh and bone who, about a month ago, I would have gladly considered him my brother.
Now, I pray to not be overcome with rage at the sight of his picture, at the mention of his name.
I thank GOD for America.
I thank GOD for the Federal government, at times, the only recourse for the American minority.
I thank GOD that I am not asleep. I have contacted the State's Attorney General's Office, will contact the Federal Attorney General, will protest, will let it be known that I will not let something like this happen so close to me and do absolutely nothing about it!
No, no. I will not be silent.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."