#388 Yesterday, 08:18 PM
Pastor G
Registered Member Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 173
Originally Posted by Steadfast
Let me get this straight... you're saying that the conservative brethren have been the source of much division?
Putting the TV resolution on the ballot three times in a row wasn't 'a source' of division at all huh?
Absolutely amazing.
Your post speaks volumes... and not necessarily good ones.
Excuse me sir, it seems like I read a post you were so opposed to a few pages back, that kind of said that some guys say what they want even if it not totally true to make a point, you have done just that...
A resolution was brought to Salt Lake... California admittingly brought busses of preachers that never come to gc just to vote it down.. that was 4 gc's ago.
3 gc's ago in Carolina there wasn't a resolution about it to my knowledge.
2 gc's ago it was brought up, only to be put off by the convervatives... It could have been voted on there, and maybe defeated once and for all.. I was on the tab committee: with that vote to be put off by mostly the conservatives, it probably would have been defeated if it could have been voted on... So it might be a mistake on their part that got it passed.
The only reason it was brought up in Tampa was because the conservatives put it off from the year before...
So to say the yes people were being devisive for bringing it up 3 years in a row is a totally false statement... but it sure makes your argument look good
doesn't it...
Always put off 'till tomorrow what you should not do at all.