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Old 03-02-2011, 08:04 PM
DAII DAII is offline
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Re: A Relevant Holiness Message

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
Well, PO hit the trail rather than answer a simple yes/no question. I'm POed.
We love those in the "NT church" ... the rest we love when we pray for them.
Old 03-02-2011, 08:10 PM
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PO probably is in church.
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Old 03-02-2011, 08:26 PM
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Re: A Relevant Holiness Message

Originally Posted by Charnock View Post
See, it was fine for RM to blast unnamed liberal Charismatic emergents for using "worldly" music, but it's okay for his buddies to do it.

The same principle works with all kinds of other issues as well.

Far too many conservatives preach against everything that moves, and/or are outside the pale of "Apostolic Identity," and all the while they cover for their buddies that are screwing around with women in their churches, embezzling money, or stealing "sheep."

It's twisted and warped.

We ALL justify those thing we want to do, as we see fit, and we are not consistent in application in any way, shape or form.
Old 03-02-2011, 09:04 PM
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Re: A Relevant Holiness Message

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
PO probably is in church.

....praying for President Obama, no doubt, and possibly even feeling love for him.
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Old 03-02-2011, 09:34 PM
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Re: A Relevant Holiness Message

Originally Posted by DAII View Post
We love those in the "NT church" ... the rest we love when we pray for them.
That's kind of a stupid thing to say. In reality and if you have ever dealt with people, you know that there are some people that really get to you, get on your nerves, rub you the wrong way, make you angry - BUT - when you kneel down before the God of love, he fills you will love and you get up and love.

Being a normal human being, I have to come back to God time and time again to keep a tender heart. The world is hard, people can be hard, but God knows how to heal our minds and hearts.

So, sometimes, I have to pray for people in the NT church - like you, Daniel! That way I can love you more than like you.
Old 03-02-2011, 09:38 PM
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Re: A Relevant Holiness Message

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
....praying for President Obama, no doubt, and possibly even feeling love for him.
Toe torry, I didn't pray for him tonight.

But, you are reminding me of a time when I didn't like Hillary Clinton. One night I had a dream. I saw her sitting in a wingback chair. She got up and went over to the windows and looked out over a beautiful, manicured lawn. She said, "I have everything and I have nothing." I never have looked at her the same way since. I have never felt more compassion for her life.
Old 03-02-2011, 09:41 PM
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Re: A Relevant Holiness Message

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
That's kind of a stupid thing to say. In reality and if you have ever dealt with people, you know that there are some people that really get to you, get on your nerves, rub you the wrong way, make you angry - BUT - when you kneel down before the God of love, he fills you will love and you get up and love.

Being a normal human being, I have to come back to God time and time again to keep a tender heart. The world is hard, people can be hard, but God knows how to heal our minds and hearts.

So, sometimes, I have to pray for people in the NT church - like you, Daniel! That way I can love you more than like you.

"By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, that you are filled up with love for those that get on your nerves, rub you the wrong way, and make you angry, but only when you pray."

I'm so glad I have His Word hidden in my heart.
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Old 03-02-2011, 09:43 PM
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Re: A Relevant Holiness Message

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
I'll ask one more time and if that doesn't work, I'll just figure that you've never been who I thought you were.

Do you love President Obama? It's a simple yes or no, not "I feel love when I pray." Just yes or no, do you love him?

And you said you didn't want him to die because it would devastate his family, which seemed to imply that if it didn't hurt his family, you wouldn't mind if he died.

So if he didn't have a family, would you want him to die? Again, it's just a simple yes or no. I can answer those two questions very easily. Here, I'll show you how:

Do I love President Obama? YES.

If he had no family and no one were devastated by his death, would I want him dead? NO.
So, do you run around in life throwing daisies in the air, holding up the peace sign never having to go to God to ask him to forgive your heart and help you to love people? Again, when I feel as though I don't like someone, I pray for them until I can feel the compassion of love. I have had to do that with Obama.

And don't try to say that he is on the same plane as RM. Obama affects every single person in the whole country. He is our president. RM is a pastor of a church in Houston. That is his territory. No one in Alaska, Minnesota, Nebraska, Utah, New York has anything to do with him, but they do with Obama.

And even if I didn't like RM, I wouldn't be so callous, sneaky and hateful to fix up a video clip to persecute him on YouTube.
Old 03-02-2011, 09:45 PM
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Re: A Relevant Holiness Message

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
"By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, that you are filled up with love for those that get on your nerves, rub you the wrong way, and make you angry, but only when you pray."

I'm so glad I have His Word hidden in my heart.
So, you are just full of love for every single human being on this earth? Whatever. You live in fairy land or are just arrogant. Now YOU are being goofy.
Old 03-02-2011, 09:45 PM
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Re: A Relevant Holiness Message

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
That's kind of a stupid thing to say. In reality and if you have ever dealt with people, you know that there are some people that really get to you, get on your nerves, rub you the wrong way, make you angry - BUT - when you kneel down before the God of love, he fills you will love and you get up and love.

Being a normal human being, I have to come back to God time and time again to keep a tender heart. The world is hard, people can be hard, but God knows how to heal our minds and hearts.

So, sometimes, I have to pray for people in the NT church - like you, Daniel! That way I can love you more than like you.
I always felt that THIS was never (OK, maybe rarely is a better word) preached in church simply because it is actually hard to do. It doesn't produce the "Amen! Preach it!" shouts that a good hard holiness sermon does. It is far far more difficult to look at the brother whom you can't stand and try to love him then it is the bobbed hair woman on another pew who needs to be shown the error of her ways and lifted up as an an example of the Jezebel spirit that she is! Can I get an AMEN!
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