Originally Posted by Monkeyman
Thanks EB my bro for pointing something out to me today. I cannot believe the fallout you get for calling out sorcery and witchcraft. This is where AFF is at? We need to just give everyone a hug and a kiss...even demonic forces. Sorry, I was raised to come against such forces and speak against those that work with satan.
I was wondering why I was left of an invitation list for a wedding recently, then came to find out it was a satanic wedding with a witch flown over from England to do the ceremony. A local pastor helped officiate so it would be legal, he did so with a disclaimer....I'd like to punch him in the nose. I guess thats why she chose not to invite me and I am glad she didn't. None of the guests knew this would be happening and were just mildy amused by it...it ticks me off! Especially this so called preacher....
Bye guys...its a new day when we have to just accept everyone and love everyone and just give them hugs and it will be okay...
Preachers...keep preaching it strong!
I will be back, just need to take a break from this.
My dear prayer warrior Brother, I thank you very much.
I teach this, when you only wash and wax one fender of a car it makes the rest of the car look even more filthy.
Some like to call every swinging joker a Christian, and that's what the World really doesn't like about mainstream American Churchanity. They can't stand how the mainstream Christians won't stand for anything. Again we see yet another smoked entertainer like all the others who gave the Gospel a bad rap get what he deserved. Do we do a happy dance over this individuals situation, no! But we don't embrace his antics and paste Jesus Christ across its forehead.
Jim and Tammy Faye Baker didn't come before us dressed in black t-shirts and tattoos, they came looking like nice calm people. After they started to make money they became more and more flamboyant, the same goes with Crouch and his chaotic looking wife.
Jim Bakker put a bullet right through American Churchanity, and John Q Public sat back in his living room and said typical. Another so-called "Christian didn't let us down" they did just we expected him to do LIE.
They asked for money a lot back in the 1980s, and John Q Public was scratching his head trying to figure out what these guys needed the money for. Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye broke up and Tammy found another man and Jim wrote a book and found a another wife.
Then Jimmy Swaggart got tagged by another preacher for trolling around Baton Rouge and its prostitutes. Talk about dirtying up the place where you eat. Jimmy's total disregard for his Brother man was louder than an atomic warhead as it ripped through American Churchanity. The fallout was huge and John Q Public recoiled at the sound of every televangelist.
Amazing? Not really, it's typical, and every Apostolic One God Holiness preacher warned America about what would come from Televangelism.
Ted Haggard, by the time this devil worshiper graced the silver screen in the documentry Jesus Camp he was already the bell of the ball with all the boys.
Ted Haggard confessed that he was a sweetheart at muscles a go go, for years, before Jesus laid him low and exposed his demonic behavior.
What did John Q Public do? Nothing but yawn, and say typical. No fallout, nothing in the sort. The individual who was Ted Haggard's boyfriend wrote a book and it did nothing. Why? Because America is done with the whole American Churchanity Cruzeematic Flakey Fake spew thrown before them.
Randy and Paula White were next to follow and it was nothing more than a white flash before our eyes. They were being investigated and low and behold the two mega rich couple decided to liquidate and separate?
Whatever, the Lord showed the two entertainers what they were really about.
John Q Public didn't even notice, and Juanita Bynum and her husband slugging it out? People at the press meeting thought that was normal behavior for that couple. Now Weeks has lost his home and owes more money than the U.S. owes to China, and Japan.
Now we have Todd "Pierced Lip" Bentley, John Q Public doesn't even know who he is folks, and they don't even care. Todd Bentley was a phoney with the whole gimmick and bells and whistles to boot. Down here in Florida Lakeland revival is a joke and been so for years. Todd Bentley is laughing his head off at all of those spiritual ones who bought his shell game.
Satan calls to Todd and tells him, "well done my good and faithful servant."
Shame and pain, is all these entertainers leave in their wake. People need to call them out and make them respond to the questions, these jokers need to prove that they are real, they need to be held accountable by the citizens who write them checks.
When you pay for something in this country you are supposed to get what you paid for, but we these cast of characters you don't even get a small bag of french fires with the Shake Down.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa