Originally Posted by Thad
I'm discouaged
I saw an angel twice in my life- at least I think I did. The two incidents were seperated by about 25 years, but after the second occasion I'm fairly certain that I was looking at the same being both times. I really have no deep explanation for the experience, nor much of an explanation at all.
The second occasion came right after a wolf hybrid looking dog left me a note full of cursing.
Now, I'm usually given to a skeptical outlook, and perhaps there were coincidences involved with that wolf-dog; ie: some one else had wanted to cuss me out after I had tried to kill the wolf. But that one was weird, and I really did want to kill that animal- it was costing me money. After chasing it down and finally trying to run it over with my truck, it escaped rather leisurely - like it was taunting me. A little way futher I stopped and picked up a piece of cardstock paper that was addressed to me! It just went on with a bunch of cursing- at me! Addressed to me by my first name. ???
The next night I saw the same "angel" that I had seen when I was four years old.
I've never seen an undisputable miracle, never saw a UFO or "aliens." Never performed a miracle but heard lots of people testify of them. Then once as a child, and later as an adult the "angel sightings." I admit that I cannot prove what I saw, and even in my own mind I cannot eliminate all posibilities and doubts. But I've never seen anything that frightened me like those two occasions, and I've seen some horror before. But nothing caused the deep internal reaction of such fear as those "angels," I literally cried out on both occasions. Never have I done that on any other occasion.