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Old 09-27-2007, 09:28 AM

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Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
Yes sir... I understand what you are saying.

I have been reading posts and, several times, thought... Wow!!!!! It is amazing the way things are worded sometimes. I think people sometimes forget that words mean things.

As for myself... welcome back.
thanks }=o)
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Old 09-27-2007, 09:35 AM

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Originally Posted by JamDat View Post
Well I must say that this persona is more enjoyable reading than the LB persona before. Our little cucumber is growing up so fast, LOL.

RC the last couple of years I've seen growth in you. I understand why you're a cynic, but now it's time to live for the Lord for yourself. Are you smarter than others? I think so, but not everyone and I think you know both of those points. Are you to smart for you own good? Right now you are. Questioning is good, but as you said on another thread His way and thoughts are not like ours. We can learn things from insects, so surely you must be able to learn from a pastor.
this might sound wierd... but it has never been living for God that I've had an issue with... I'm sure about God... I'm not always sure what exactly God wants for me... and what I feel he wants for me scares me to death (especially since sometimes it feels like no one takes it seriously, not even me... I'm not sure how)

but... my issue has always been "Can I live with the other people who live for the Lord?"... and I don't know the answer to that...

I've found an answer to a lot of my questioning, most of it is just simply trust God... I don't care how we, as men, explain things so much... Because our explanations are likely never going to be right...

for instance, creation/evolution... I have no idea how the world got here, and, really, niether does any other human... But no matter what I trust that God did it, that we're here because of him... and that's enough for me...

and I'd love to be able to learn from a pastor... It just... I don't know... for whatever reason I can't talk to him anymore and that scares me almost as much as anything else...

Don't be a victim here and don't try to be validated here. You've got a prayer closet with an ear that will hear you. Use it.
not trying to do either, I hope it doesn't sound like that (although it probably does sometimes)...

and I definately need to use the prayer closet more...

Love ya Bro.
love ya too }=o)

and I'll be there on Friday...
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Old 09-28-2007, 09:18 PM
Michlow Michlow is offline
just lurking...

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I can't believe I missed this news. Well...actually I can believe it, as I have been pretty much gone for the past couple months.

Never fear, I no longer consider you my arch nemesis, LOL
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Old 09-29-2007, 12:57 AM
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Brett Prince Brett Prince is offline
Isn't he cute?!

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I've been somewhat of a cynic myself in the past. If you only knew! It's not fun, questioning everything, but I did it. If you will love the truth, not caring what truth is, but wanting truth WHATEVER it is, and will continue to pray and seek it--I believe you will find it--IF, AND ONLY IF, you will not lose your respect for God, His Word, and those who minister to you in His Word. I had to set and listen to men that, at the time, I didn't agree with, didn't feel at home around, and in churches that I had almost come to think were "off the deep end," before I was able to get my feet back on the ground and start finding my way again. It's not easy. God cares, bro. He really does.

Welcome back, and I mean that sincerely.
Oh! That I may be found faithful!
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Old 09-29-2007, 04:23 PM
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Brett Prince Brett Prince is offline
Isn't he cute?!

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Oh! That I may be found faithful!
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