Don't remember the brand.... this thread reminds me of the milk that stamps HOMO on the milk cap. Even your milk is gay. Gay milk does a body FABULOUS!! Just be sure it's 1 or 2 %.... like the gay pop-u-layshun!!!!
Don't remember the brand.... this thread reminds me of the milk that stamps HOMO on the milk cap. Even your milk is gay. Gay milk does a body FABULOUS!! Just be sure it's 1 or 2 %.... like the gay pop-u-layshun!!!!
when i lived in san diego there is a store close to balboa park called gay-mart.
I did not adventure inside to see what it had..
But ofcourse 50-60years ago it was cool to say gay and be gay. or maybe that was the 40's you see it on old black and white films.
Guy would be like you want go to the party
other man would say Im Gay!!
ofcourse the meaning has changed some what from that usage
Don't remember the brand.... this thread reminds me of the milk that stamps HOMO on the milk cap. Even your milk is gay. Gay milk does a body FABULOUS!! Just be sure it's 1 or 2 %.... like the gay pop-u-layshun!!!!
Harvey Milk was the mayor of San Fran now that was gay milk for sure
I do not understand why any church would encourage the singing of this type song by anyone, much less children. It doesn't edify or uplift anyone.
However, I refuse to jump on the bandwagon and demonize this church for teaching these kids that sin is sin. My son is 6. He already knows that wrong is wrong. When he startes hearing in public school that homsexuality is ok, he will hear very clearly from home that it is no ok. It is an abomination and will land a soul in hell.
I'm tired of practitioners of perversion getting to trumpet their sickening lifestyle all over, but the inute any Christians stands up to them they get deomonized, sadly by others who are supposedly Christian as well.
Couple of things:
First, this church is probably the same type who would belch out that ole' famous "I'm a Pentecostal" choir song. I mean, after all the hype evidenced in the video of this situation, I'm surprised the congregation didn't have a Holy Ghost shoutdown for the boy's cute little song. Wasn't that just precious? Bless his li'l heart!
Second, not only will my kids learn right from wrong from a Biblical perspective, they will also know love vs. hate from a Biblical perspective. They will know to love all, through all, for all because of Jesus. That, in no way, condones the homosexual lifestyle, IMHO. It merely differentiates the end result for my kids' witness: will they have added to the homosexual's reason for disdain toward people of faith (they're going strait to hell for believing or living that way!), or been an example of such faith and love that person through their healing and turning away from such lifestyle (they still have a chance to make it right, just like the rest of us on other things!).
Third, I am sick and tired, too, of what appears to be the whole acceptance and equality message echoed from Hollywood and the media, which is why I refrain from so much of that garbage to begin with. A true, genuine Spirit-filled Christian won't have to be herded by another voice (Hollywood, media, etc) and be told what to say or not to say when it comes to topics such as this. Unfortunately, stupidity on display such as the case with this kid (though not his fault) ruins it for folks like me.
First, this church is probably the same type who would belch out that ole' famous "I'm a Pentecostal" choir song. I mean, after all the hype evidenced in the video of this situation, I'm surprised the congregation didn't have a Holy Ghost shoutdown for the boy's cute little song. Wasn't that just precious? Bless his li'l heart!
Second, not only will my kids learn right from wrong from a Biblical perspective, they will also know love vs. hate from a Biblical perspective. They will know to love all, through all, for all because of Jesus. That, in no way, condones the homosexual lifestyle, IMHO. It merely differentiates the end result for my kids' witness: will they have added to the homosexual's reason for disdain toward people of faith (they're going strait to hell for believing or living that way!), or been an example of such faith and love that person through their healing and turning away from such lifestyle (they still have a chance to make it right, just like the rest of us on other things!).
Third, I am sick and tired, too, of what appears to be the whole acceptance and equality message echoed from Hollywood and the media, which is why I refrain from so much of that garbage to begin with. A true, genuine Spirit-filled Christian won't have to be herded by another voice (Hollywood, media, etc) and be told what to say or not to say when it comes to topics such as this. Unfortunately, stupidity on display such as the case with this kid (though not his fault) ruins it for folks like me.
Just my thoughts...
First off, I agree. Second, I've always noticed the same sort of sadistic glee during (nearly) all strong holiness "standards" type services I have ever endured. I know many will come on and say "I take NO delight in church sinners (who should know better) living in bondage!", except they will say it with the same breathless enthusiasm usually reserved for a network anchor as they read the voting results during the 2008 presidential election. It is this exact same attitude that spills over to a small boy celebrating the fact that "this sinner!" or "that sinner!" will not be joining US in heaven! -While the adults are clapping and "amen!"ing him in the process.
Last edited by RandyWayne; 06-07-2012 at 02:21 PM.