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Old 05-07-2010, 04:54 PM
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Re: Muse.....the band

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Hey now, Sounworthy will agree, I'm sure, that we're all entitled to his own opinion.
But of course...
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Old 05-07-2010, 05:04 PM
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Re: Muse.....the band

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
So my Point #4 in post #12 was correct, huh?
Yup, I'm sure it was!
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Old 05-07-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: Muse.....the band

Okay, this ought to get a reaction, but it's my honest opinion (coming from a former heavy metallurgist)

Muse is pretty cool, and... here we go...U2 is probably the most overrated, straight up boring band of all time. JMHO
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Old 05-07-2010, 09:36 PM
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Re: Muse.....the band

Originally Posted by Ev. Duane Williams View Post
Okay, this ought to get a reaction, but it's my honest opinion (coming from a former heavy metallurgist)

Muse is pretty cool, and... here we go...U2 is probably the most overrated, straight up boring band of all time. JMHO
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I realize that not everyone likes U2. I realize that their kind or brand of music takes some thinking to understand. I might even understand if you don't like their sound. But the truth is that for any band to have a following like they do for as long as they have and still be as relevant as they have and still are that is tough to accomplish. They were still nominated for Grammy's in 2009.

I went to their concert here in AZ in October. I don't do concerts. Typically not a fan, but I freaking loved it. It was awesome! I can say that if someone sits through a U2 concert and is not a fan afterwards then they have a screw loose, IMO. But then again I am a U2 Homer!
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Old 05-08-2010, 09:30 AM
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Re: Muse.....the band

This has been a VERY interesting thread for me to read thru. Let me explain...............
We have a new pastor at our church. He and his wife are both very young. He's 27 and she is 25. He's very good. She is a sweet girl, but really immature in many ways (none of which I will go into here. I'm not here to tear down my pastor). One of the things that she has done alot of since coming here is going to concerts. By itself, that would be no big deal. But with all of the other things that she does, it kind of compounds things. Anyhow, one of her all-time favorite groups is MUSE. She took some of our youth to one of their concerts recently. I wasn't sure what to think about that.

You understand that my background is pretty strict Apostolic. When I was a teen (in the early '70's), it was a reason to drag you to the altar for repentance if you listened to Carole King in your car. So now here I am 30+ years later trying to get a handle on whether worldly music is acceptable or not. And along comes my new pastor's wife who not only believes it's ok, but takes the youth to hear it. Talk about polar opposites!

Thanks for giving me another perspective on this. I like being able to see things from both sides
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Old 05-08-2010, 11:06 AM
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Re: Muse.....the band

I can appreciate your struggle, Margie. Not gonna bash you for your "hang-ups", or anything like that! Work it out as you see fit. That might involve letting go of some "hang-ups", or at least some agreeing to disagree on certain issues. (I would not recommend trying to set her straight over something like this, but hey, that's just me. If it really is, in your opinion, the devil's music, and if she won't see the light, there may need to be a parting of ways. Hope it doesn't come to that.)

Good luck!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 05-08-2010, 11:15 AM
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Re: Muse.....the band

One thing I can say Margie is that what was once thought as devil music, mainly because it was not 'church' music, is more accepted because once you listen to it then you realize that it is not bad at all. The balance comes from not change the way you live. Music is and will remain to be a HUGE influence to all humanity. Some music can cause people to want to do strange things. I listen to a lot of music that most on here would call sinful because of the history of how they were raised, but once it is given a listen it is apparent that it is not that bad. Example, if I listened to Gangstar Rap that talks about drugs, sex, and shooting people will never make me want to do drugs, have sex or shoot anyone.

All that being said I wouldn't worry too much about the pastor's wife thing. I see it as his approval that it is not of a devilsh or evil nature. I am all about going to concerts and having a great time. If it does become a larger issue then perhaps people should speak to the pastor and have him explain why he is fine with it and such. It might just be the old fuddy-duddiness that you already pointed too. Just a thought
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Old 05-08-2010, 12:04 PM
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Re: Muse.....the band

Thanks, guys, for sharing your thoughts. You both made very good points. I really appreciate your input.

I am not going to run to the pastor about this. I had already decided that long ago. There are things that I consider my business and there are things that I do NOT consider my business. This is definitely one of them

Honestly, God has brought me a loooooong ways from where I started. When I first came out of the apostolic/strict standards church, I had an experience that I will never forget. I was sitting in church one morning with Walt, looking around at the people and thinking how I was absolutely positive that many of these people loved the Lord with all their hearts, soul and being, but it was too bad that they would not be in Heaven one day because of their short hair - when BANG! It was as if the Lord spoke directly to me. What I "heard" in my heart was, "Do you love me?", Well, yes, Lord, of course I do. "So do you believe you will be in Heaven one day with me?" Yes, absolutely! "But here you sit with pants on. If you don't believe that the pants will keep you out of Heaven - and they won't! - then why would you believe I would care about someone's hair?" WOW!! You know how you feel when you've had the wind knocked out of your sail? That's how I felt.

So now, fast forward to the Muse concert. Now (at this point in time) what I am hearing in my heart is that I have not judged people because they listen to country music or to soft rock or to jazz. Why is one different than the other? And besides that, when was I given the position of judge and jury?

So, having said all that - I honestly am not judging. Not condemning or anything of that sort. Just trying to understand. And you folks have been a great help with that - so I thank you
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Old 05-08-2010, 12:11 PM
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Re: Muse.....the band

Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 05-08-2010, 03:47 PM
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Re: Muse.....the band

Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
This has been a VERY interesting thread for me to read thru. Let me explain...............
We have a new pastor at our church. He and his wife are both very young. He's 27 and she is 25. He's very good. She is a sweet girl, but really immature in many ways (none of which I will go into here. I'm not here to tear down my pastor). One of the things that she has done alot of since coming here is going to concerts. By itself, that would be no big deal. But with all of the other things that she does, it kind of compounds things. Anyhow, one of her all-time favorite groups is MUSE. She took some of our youth to one of their concerts recently. I wasn't sure what to think about that.

You understand that my background is pretty strict Apostolic. When I was a teen (in the early '70's), it was a reason to drag you to the altar for repentance if you listened to Carole King in your car. So now here I am 30+ years later trying to get a handle on whether worldly music is acceptable or not. And along comes my new pastor's wife who not only believes it's ok, but takes the youth to hear it. Talk about polar opposites!

Thanks for giving me another perspective on this. I like being able to see things from both sides

You do??? That's compromise, sister!!! There's only ONE side to Jesus and that's the way of holiness and righteousness!!! That's what's wrong with these lilly-livered, greasy-grace, compromising churches that are falling away in these last days!!!

I'll tell you what you need to do....you need to start a petition and pass it around secretly tomorrow at church and get this pastor's wife thrown out and her husband too!!! I'll tell ya, I can't tell the difference between the world and the church anymore!!!

Do it before it's too late!!! If you wait, next thing you know, they'll be wearing Beatles t-shirts!!!
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