Originally Posted by Sam
He owes ACORN, BIG TIME!!!
but I doubt if it would be that open.
ACORN operates under many different names and fronts so it could go to many different group names and wind up with ACORN.
Al Franken owes ACORN big time. If they had thrown out the ACORN fraud before the "recount" in the race with Norm Coleman, Coleman would be the U.S. Senator today.
Al Franken is the ACORN Senator. If not for ACORN he'd still be a washed up comedian.
At least Obama won with a margin that mitigates ACORN and Richard Daly style fraud. That margin was accomplished by the huge "puff" coverage that he consistently received in the media.
Maybe Obama with give his money to the NY Times? They are heavily in the red and readership (and thus ad revenues) is at all time lows for the modern era. Plus Obama owes them big time.
Or maybe Time/Warner? His face graced the cover of Time magazine a record 13 times before he was even President. And TW's CNN cable news slobbered all over him for the 2 years leading up to the election. CNN's ratings have been in the gutter ever since the advent of Fox News.
But, I dunno... they're talking about using OUR money to pay back the liberal media.