An extended family member brought a book titled "How to Read Taro Cards" into my house a couple of years ago. Jon and I walked into the kitchen from opposite sides of the house at about the same time and saw it. He picked up the book and chunked it out the back door. He was like "We don't bring that kind of witchcraft into our house." .... I think my family member got the message real quick!!
Originally Posted by tamor
I reread my thread and it does look like we allow some of it, huh?
I understood what you meant.
How funny. So what happened to it after it landed on the lawn? LOL
My grandmother used to tell me how when she and my grandfather were first married, he was very into seances and card reading, etc. Levitated tables, all kinds of stuff!
She was ok with it until she got pregnant for her first child (my mom). Then she said she put her foot down firmly and told him there would no more of it in her house because she had heard that those demons could enter into the unborn child. (I personally believe that's a crock, but if it worked for her, ok....)
So that ended that phase of their lives.
The funny thing is that she always had pictures of her parents and his parents and other extended family members framed and on her walls. I was fine with everyone's pictures EXCEPT my grandfather's mother's picture. That picture always scared me, even as a baby. To this day, I have copies of all of the pictures and many of them are displayed in my home. But NOT Great Grandma Hosler's. Nope. No way.