Originally Posted by pastorj
This is a funny place to hang out... ... and that is a dangerous argument! "I don't see it listed... " Now there's a quote worthy of the tag LEGALIST!
Going down that road will sure help ease our concerns about doing anything we want to do! There are a LOT OF THINGS that Jesus never addressed that are still WRONG. And please don't say, "Like what?"... puhleeze...
I am not justifying that list you mentioned... as a matter of fact, my congregation will tell you that I preach this stuff very often. However, I am not willing to pretend that nothing matters but loving Jesus... I read of some that tried that on Jesus and His response was (in paraphrase)... You did what? Cast out devils? Miracles? That's funny... Oooopps! Sorry... I never knew you!
I didn't say nothing matters, as a matter of fact I list a whole lot of things that do matter...go back and reread. I said clothes didn't matter. You're not gonna get thrown into hell because of what you wear. Good grief. As you stated...puhleeze!!! lol
Also, this passage is dealing with hypocrites and those who do not know his nature. Those who are not a part of him. PUHLEEZE!!!
There's a lot of "Apostolics" who don't know him too. Fundamentally it all boils down the question "it Jesus not enough?"