Originally Posted by mfblume;916760[B
]Everyone should rather fear of facing God and explaining to him why we never sought Him in sincere prayer to ensure we are on the right path. Jesus said, in Matthew 7, strait is the gate and narrow is the path that leads to life, and few will be who find it. That means we PERSONALLY have to ensure we are on the right path. I'm not going to be lost due to someone else making my mind up for me. God gave us each a mind and chance to pray and seek Him to lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.[/B]
What would a catholic priest say to his followers who ask questions against their beliefs? What would a Jehovah's Witness "presiding elder" say to his flock? What would a Mormon preacher say to his flock? The point is, and I am not saying your pastor is comparable to any cult leader, anyone will defend their beliefs to those who ask, no matter what group they are in. And GOD IS WITH US when we sincerely go to Him and ask for direction and clarification or correction. We make gods out of men when we go to them and not God over such things. Why are people trained to trust man more than God?
First paragraph is very good!
Not saying this to be critical or offensive, but he goes to his fellow ministers,
but who does his wife go to. She goes to a forum and asks those who left the
UPC. (Using the same example about going to the catholic priest, of course he
is going to speak from that perspective.) From what perspective will she get
from those who left the UPC. Exactly! I am only saying this to make a point.
Both husband and wife should be going TOGETHER to THE WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR,
who brought them together in the first place. The enemy has driven a wedge be-
tween this dear couple to attempt to divide and conqueror. Are we ignorant of his
Eph. 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
I could not trust my marriage OR my eternal soul into the hands of mankind!
Those things are too precious! Where are we gonna go when our husband or
wife is gone! Except the Lord build the house/marriage, they labor in vain that
build it. Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain!
I pray these words are received in the same spirit they were given.