Originally Posted by Mirth1981
What made you finally decide to leave?
I didn't leave a UPC, but did leave an independent oneness church. There were a variety of things that led up to me leaving my church, including heavy amounts of labelling and repeated public angry outbursts from someone in leadership. But the final straw isn't something I can talk about right now.
Originally Posted by Mirth1981
Was it difficult?
Originally Posted by Mirth1981
Were you able to find a church that wasn't "easy believism" but yet one that didn't enforce extra-biblical principles where you could go and worship God in your own way?
I've decided that I know what I believe and will continue to believe it no matter where I go to church. There came a point where things were bad enough in that church that I realized if I
didn't leave there I'd lose out with God. I would have lost my faith had I stayed there. I left one church building, not an organization.
Originally Posted by Mirth1981
Do you have any regrets?
I wish things had turned out in a way that I could have moved out of the area, not just left that building. I wish I could have told people good-bye without jeopardizing their standing in the church. I wish I had been able to locate some of the others that had left, and that I hadn't ever shunned anyone when I was one of them.
Originally Posted by Mirth1981
Anything you wish you had done differently?
I wish I'd shut off my phone for awhile and not gotten angry or defensive when I got the calls, "Mary, why???" but been able to answer calmly and in love.
Originally Posted by Mirth1981
How is your walk with God now?
Better than when I left but not where I want it to be yet. I have struggled for several years (in church) to read my bible and pray... because bible reading and prayer were demanded, and because many verses were used to condemn us there, and I still hear those sermons when I read very much Bible at all.
Originally Posted by Mirth1981
Do you still suffer from self condemnation and feel brainwashed?
Not nearly as much self condemnation. I spent quite a bit of time reviewing scriptures and seeing what verses often used to condemn us really said before I left though, as well as researching what God expected with regards to pastoral authority, obedience, standards, and conduct. And I started getting a new circle of friends before I left, to soften the blow some. But I had stopped feeling a lot of the condemnation while I was in. I went sort of numb. But the brainwashing, yes, in a way, because I still struggle with words and phrases, especially verses, that were used to hurt and demean us there. It is better though.
Originally Posted by Mirth1981
I have been really struggling in my spirit lately. I'm terrified of leaving the UPC because of the repercussions it will cause in my life (and for my husband, who is a minister). Yet I know feeling this way just reinforces the fact that I need to "get out." I still believe in oneness, baptism, and the Holy Ghost. What I don't believe in is man made "standards" that create an environment that breeds judgmentalism and pharisetical saints. Also every church I've been in...I feel controlled....even manipulated. I can't do that anymore. But I don't know how to get out.
I hope this is okay...and that I'm not breaking any rules by posting this. I have been reading this forum lately, and it seems like there are many very balanced people on here. This seemed like a good place to go for support.
Thank you in advance.
Your situation is different than mine since your husband wants to stay and I left for possibly very different reasons.
One thing I've tried to do is keep a balanced outlook, and tried to remain as considerate as possible of those who are still going to that church. I also keep in mind not all of them were a part of the things that I had to get away from. (Some were very against those things but just as scared as I was.) Not every church is the same. There are good oneness churches, but right now I'm limited in where I can go.
I also won't participate in forums on which people promote hatred or outrage against Pentecostals as a group, any more than I will sit on a pew and ever again listen to a pastor tell a 13 year old she'll be raped if her skirt isn't a certain number of inches below her knee or a new convert that he'll go to hell if his pants don't come past his ankles. You are right, AFF has some very balanced people on it.
May God grant you peace, direction, and wisdom through this decision.