Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Replace the word "white" with the word "rich" 
Yep. You're absolutely right.
They want us fighting over color, gender, religion, sexuality, etc.. But the reality is it is the rich against the worker and the poor. The rich buy politicians and lobby for laws that stifle competition, exploit workers, gouge or short change consumers, and keep the poor dependent and poor.
To be fair, the rich see it as protecting their assets, and simply trying to get richer. They see eye collusion with politicians as their freedom of speech, they can't help it that politicians are more than willing to hear their money over the cries of the people. They see it as fair though, because of any average person had their money, those persons would have the politicians too.
The arguing over race, color, gender, language, religion, sexuality, etc. is only a distraction to keep us divided. And three media, which they also own, fans the flames hourly.