Re: Dropped By & Somewhat Dismayed But Not Surpris
Originally Posted by rgcraig
Well, you need to make up your mind then. If we talk about it we are scum of the earth and gossips. If we are silent, we are picking scabs.
Renda, I think what he is saying that there is a feeding frenzy with a whole lot of accusations being thrown about--being silent about that says a lot.
Not to mention this forum is not the venue for this issue.
I would ask you the question I have asked others, do you want anyone to air your dirty laundry without your cons4ent nor with any intent to get the whole story in the matter?
I think the answer is obvious.
I am sorry that you may have friends or family in this matter.
Re: Dropped By & Somewhat Dismayed But Not Surpris
Originally Posted by Ron
No offense Michael, I sometimes think I am in another Church than the one most go to on AFF. I was born in the Spirit, try to live in the Spirit, & have the Spirit guide my life. I have been around the use of Spiritual Gifts for coming on 30 years now. I have seen Agels, had visions, dreams from God.
I have been there to cast out demons & have heard the voice of God a few times so audibly loud that I have turned my head because I thought he God was physically in the room with me.
I have been in services where someone (in the judgement of God) was turned over to a reprobate mind. That person is looney tunes today sadly.
I have had God prophetically say, "there are two spirits at work here & if you do not repent you will die."
There was a witness in my spirit that this was God talking & not some scare tactic.
Michael, I know the voice of God, & when I prayed 3 years ago about the lack of respect for Apostolic Ministers on this board especially & in other places, he was not impressed either & said that he would deal with it.
Now if that means that anyone on here doesn't wake up tomorrow, or ever gain--that is his business.
Nothing may happen until that last breath which may be 100 years old, but I am not presumptious as those whom Jude talks about in the New Testament.
Call me a crackpot, a wingnut, I could care less, but I think before you outright dismiss me, that you may want to consider the scriptures & pray before you chew & spit out Ministers with complete contempt.
There is a Bible process we should abide by---that is if we beleive in the divine authority of the Word of God.
BTW, the Bible has clear examples of dealing with troublemakers & it ain't pretty--look them up.
I challenge you to find ANY post on this forum or any other where I have "chewed up and spit out preachers with complete contempt".
I have noticed a trend with you, however.....there is NO defense of the saints, only the preachers......
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
Re: Dropped By & Somewhat Dismayed But Not Surpris
Originally Posted by rgcraig
Well, don't go to Facebook or the other minister's forum. You might over indulge.
Renda, are you saying that a lot of the news (or gossip...however one wants to view it) came from Facebook or the other minister's forums ... right out of the mouths of the people that go to church there?
Just trying to understand where a lot of this came from. I know that the news trickled to AFF but from whom?
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8)
Re: Dropped By & Somewhat Dismayed But Not Surpris
Originally Posted by AreYouReady?
Renda, are you saying that a lot of the news (or gossip...however one wants to view it) came from Facebook or the other minister's forums ... right out of the mouths of the people that go to church there?
Just trying to understand where a lot of this came from. I know that the news trickled to AFF but from whom?
I'm just saying that it's being discussed on FB and ministers forums - not just here on AFF.
There are many on that thread (AFF) that posted that are members of TPC.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks