Originally Posted by Truthseeker
What if someone believes in the Lord but doesn't repent or get baptized?
The Book of James addresses people like that.
When a person is presented the Gospel, they will be instructed to repent and be baptized as valid responses to the blood bought salvation presented.
When a person speaks in tongues under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, it is one of the signs, or
confirmations if you will, of personal salvation.
However, the Bible does not connect tongues DOCTRINALLY with SALVATION in the way that commands folks to speak in tongues before being considered saved, part of the church, part of the Body of Christ.
Speaking in tongues is a promise, not a command.
When you go to the store to buy a pair of shoes, you don't go looking for the tongue of the shoe to determine its style, quality, and fit for your purpose.
Neither does the Bible present the Gospel in a way that encourages seekers to look for "tongues." As a result of a personal relationship with Our Father, through His Son, Jesus Christ, the "saved-by-GRACE-through-FAITH-believer" has the opportunity to experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit by speaking in tongues, prophesying, and more.
Salvation does not begin with speaking in tongues and it definitely does not end with that experience.