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Old 07-05-2009, 11:59 AM
oletime oletime is offline
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Re: Oh, NOW Powell Understands What a Liberal is?

and now the latest, some people in his admin. are pushing to have money paid out as reparations to blacks for all the injustices and crimes as if we are all guilty until proven innocent. this is just the tip of the iceberg. i just found out recently that this garden that they rototilled the lawn at the white house to plant was done at the request of these eco freckos that think we all should be eating this organic food my taxes go to pay for his foolishness and then when the next president comes in we have to pay again to reverse it. this admin is being led by these enviromental wacks like the ones in oregon i beleive it is that have succeeded in banning dish washing detergent they have mandated some alternative kind that doesnt even work so they have to go over to IOWA to buy dish detergent that will actually cut grease.of course the dont think we should be eating anything that has a by product of grease we should all just eat carrots and asparagus and drink water. and no farting by the way because you wil be taxed for that because it increases the green house gases like the cows which they want to tax too,and then we will tax the coal industry into nonexistence [our biggest producer of electrical power] and of course" electric rates will have to be raised" bho says, because doggone it we are going to save this planet. what a joke!
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Old 07-05-2009, 01:41 PM
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Re: Oh, NOW Powell Understands What a Liberal is?

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
The reality is race played a huge roll in this thing. To deny that is, well, being in denial. There has to be a hidden or maybe not so hidden excitement to see a fellow black man in the high office consifering the history of the country past race issues and the chance to have it happened was the motivating factor for many, IMO.

Powell himslef said he cried when Obama was elected, WHY? Because he's pro gay and abortion? because of his tax plan? Healthcare?

Why would Powell cry when Obama won?

I have serious doubts he would have thrown his support behind a white democratic. The possibility of making history was huge pulling force.

Not saying all this is even bad because for years one couldn't get in because of race. For years a black man couldn't get in because of race, this time one got in because of it. Race is still huge for us and politics, on both sides.

If roles were reversed and it was a first white prez, it would be the same excitement and partiality.

God bless

TS, you're not understanding what I'm saying. You made the statement that "race is still huge for us and politics, on both sides". I do agree with that statement.
With Obama being the first Black to become President, there undoubtedly were some in the white community who were vehemently opposed to this because of his race. However, it is unfair to assume that all whites who oppose him do so because of his race. This has been pointed out here on this forum many times, and people were greatly offended by the accusation...and righfully so.
I just believe that the reverse is true. Obama is not the first Black person to run for President, and many Blacks did not vote for those candidates. Making the blanket accusation that race was the impetous for everybody's vote is wrong on both sides. It also completely ignores the fact that Obama came along at a time with a message that resonated with millions of people of all races, socio-economic backgrounds, and voting history.
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Old 07-05-2009, 03:54 PM
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Re: Oh, NOW Powell Understands What a Liberal is?

Originally Posted by oletime View Post
and now the latest, some people in his admin. are pushing to have money paid out as reparations to blacks for all the injustices and crimes as if we are all guilty until proven innocent. this is just the tip of the iceberg. i just found out recently that this garden that they rototilled the lawn at the white house to plant was done at the request of these eco freckos that think we all should be eating this organic food my taxes go to pay for his foolishness and then when the next president comes in we have to pay again to reverse it. this admin is being led by these enviromental wacks like the ones in oregon i beleive it is that have succeeded in banning dish washing detergent they have mandated some alternative kind that doesnt even work so they have to go over to IOWA to buy dish detergent that will actually cut grease.of course the dont think we should be eating anything that has a by product of grease we should all just eat carrots and asparagus and drink water. and no farting by the way because you wil be taxed for that because it increases the green house gases like the cows which they want to tax too,and then we will tax the coal industry into nonexistence [our biggest producer of electrical power] and of course" electric rates will have to be raised" bho says, because doggone it we are going to save this planet. what a joke!
Do you have a news link for this?
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Old 07-05-2009, 05:04 PM
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Re: Oh, NOW Powell Understands What a Liberal is?

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
TS, you're not understanding what I'm saying. You made the statement that "race is still huge for us and politics, on both sides". I do agree with that statement.
With Obama being the first Black to become President, there undoubtedly were some in the white community who were vehemently opposed to this because of his race. However, it is unfair to assume that all whites who oppose him do so because of his race. This has been pointed out here on this forum many times, and people were greatly offended by the accusation...and righfully so.
I just believe that the reverse is true. Obama is not the first Black person to run for President, and many Blacks did not vote for those candidates. Making the blanket accusation that race was the impetous for everybody's vote is wrong on both sides. It also completely ignores the fact that Obama came along at a time with a message that resonated with millions of people of all races, socio-economic backgrounds, and voting history.

I can understand that, but my initial post wasn't refering to all blacks but Powell specificially and I doubt race wasn't a huge pull for him and I understand why.

I could post more, but for the sake of being misunderstood, I'll regress. For the record I have no problem voting for a multiracial, black, indian or chineese man if I agree with his policies, Obama just supports the gay thing/abortion to strong for me(he proclaim June gay pride month)

But all of them got their evils, I guess. I'm considering never voting again.
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Last edited by Truthseeker; 07-05-2009 at 05:11 PM.
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Old 07-05-2009, 05:57 PM
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Re: Oh, NOW Powell Understands What a Liberal is?

I would have voted for Powell with no reservation. I don't vote or not vote for a man or woman because of the color of their skin or hair or eyes. I received something from a military person that shows me what kind of leader this country has. He cares for no one except Obama. You Obama lovers should be really proud of your man.

...........from a disappointed father of a wounded warrior:

For those who do not know Dave Borden, he is a former Black & Decker employee who lives in Hanover. His son Dave Jr was serving in Iraq and was badly injured from a bomb explosion. Dave Jr has had over 38 surgeries to date. The email below is from a recent visit from President Obama, the email speaks for its self.

Since Dave Jr. has been injured he has met and been overwhelmed by many, many political and military "celebs". The list includes Bob Gates, Sec.of Defense, who came into his room and told him 3 or 4 times that if Dave Jr. had any issues to call his cell phone number. It includes Gen.Petereus who sat and talked with Dave Jr. for almost 45 minutes. The General recalled vividly all of the circumstances around the events that led to fighting that Dave was involved in. It includes Sen. McCain who arrived late on a Saturday afternoon during a thunder storm, unannounced, and talked to Dave Jr.. about how similar their experiences with fate. It includes George Bush when Dave Jr. was invited to attend the very last Christmas party at the White House for the White House Staff. President Bush and his wife entered the ballroom and immediately went to Dave Jr... President Bush knew Dave Jr.'s name as well as when and how he was injured. Dave Jr. had a picture taken with Laura and the President that he has framed and will cherish forever. The list goes on and on of people coming in to meet Dave Jr. and the other wounded warriors at Walter Reed and Bethesda.

Yesterday. Dave Jr. was ordered to be at the National Naval Hospital with another 12 soldiers and Marines to meet with Obama. Obama was supposed to arrive at 11:30 AM. He finally got there at 3:00 PM. He entered the room with the wounded warriors and quickly shook each of their hands. He never asked their names, where they were from, or how they were injured. Then he left.

Dave Jr. has met the people who really care about the military. All he
remembers from Obama is a weak handshake. The others in the room, younger and less exposed to the people that Dave Jr. has met, were so disappointed. Word about Obama's "insensitive" visit has spread to the MATC ( the rehab facility) at Walter Reed and throughout Bethesda. The military sees through his phoniness.

All I can say is that it is such a disappointment that this man is Commander-In-Chief of our Armed Forces. He is an embarrassment to our Nation.

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Old 07-05-2009, 07:22 PM
oletime oletime is offline
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Re: Oh, NOW Powell Understands What a Liberal is?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Do you have a news link for this?
the first wo quotes i heard on a news show the last quote was from his campaign on the coal industry which i heard him say which made it even more astonshing that virginia penn and ohio kentucky voted for him i will try to find it
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Old 07-05-2009, 07:34 PM
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Re: Oh, NOW Powell Understands What a Liberal is?

prax just google states banning dish detergent. it is wash state not oregon its being phased in in 2 counties and will be total by 2010 the coal industry comments were in a san francisco chronicle interview its on youtube where he says if they want to build a new plant go ahead well just bankcrupt em with taxes 49 percent of our electic is from coal they also are pushing to have mountaintop removal banned. one of the people who is pushing for reparations is lee daughtry who was the dem convention chief . she is a minister with the same veiws as jerimiah wright

Last edited by oletime; 07-05-2009 at 07:39 PM.
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Old 07-05-2009, 09:12 PM
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Re: Oh, NOW Powell Understands What a Liberal is?

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
I can understand that, but my initial post wasn't refering to all blacks but Powell specificially and I doubt race wasn't a huge pull for him and I understand why.

I could post more, but for the sake of being misunderstood, I'll regress. For the record I have no problem voting for a multiracial, black, indian or chineese man if I agree with his policies, Obama just supports the gay thing/abortion to strong for me(he proclaim June gay pride month)

But all of them got their evils, I guess. I'm considering never voting again.
TS, I guess if you have specifics that demonstrate that race was Powell's reason, I have to concur. I'm just saying that I've heard many people leap to that assumption when in reality many moderate conservatives and former Republicans jumped ship from the GOP this election cycle. We've seen examples of that even here on AFF. I just think that assuming it was a racial decision is wrong when either side does it.

I've seen things specifically with Powell that would indicate his displeasure with what was happening with the Bush White House, the war, and other things. He also never struck me as a staunch social conservative. There was plenty to suggest his distinct displeasure with the GOP.
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Old 07-05-2009, 09:28 PM
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Re: Oh, NOW Powell Understands What a Liberal is?

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
TS, I guess if you have specifics that demonstrate that race was Powell's reason, I have to concur. I'm just saying that I've heard many people leap to that assumption when in reality many moderate conservatives and former Republicans jumped ship from the GOP this election cycle. We've seen examples of that even here on AFF. I just think that assuming it was a racial decision is wrong when either side does it.

I've seen things specifically with Powell that would indicate his displeasure with what was happening with the Bush White House, the war, and other things. He also never struck me as a staunch social conservative. There was plenty to suggest his distinct displeasure with the GOP.
I do think we got to be very careful to make assumptions about this type stuff, even among ourselves considering it's hard for some to not be overly sensitive to what the other side is saying regarding race and politics.

BTW When you coming to NC???
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Old 07-05-2009, 09:34 PM
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Re: Oh, NOW Powell Understands What a Liberal is?

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
I do think we got to be very careful to make assumptions about this type stuff, even among ourselves considering it's hard for some to not be overly sensitive to what the other side is saying regarding race and politics.

BTW When you coming to NC???
I've been running so much and so ragged, that I need to escape to somewhere. Now I won't be able to make a trip until the kiddo gets quite a bit bigger though.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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